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pronatour observation deck Skywalk in Carinthia c Verbund Tourismus

From master planning to implementation

Individual experience stagings

We enrich your destination with real and tailor-made experiences. With absolutely unique worlds of play, learning and experience. With breathtaking nature shows and interactive adventures for children and adults. Originals come from pronatour - your experience expert.

2004  until  2025


Creation of a tourism masterplan for the development of the urban area on Besirli Embankment - Trabzon (TR)
Commisssioned by: Eastern Black Sea Development Agency (DOKA)

Realisation of stations and elements for three adverture trails at the Biosphere reservation Drömling (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)
Commisssioned by: Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Drömling Sachsen-Anhalt

Concept and planning application for an amusement park on the theme of flying: GAPA SKY ADVENTURE with a viewing platform, playground, funpark, relaxation area and information points (Woiwodschaft Kleinpolen, PL)
Commisssioned by: Białka Ski Resort, sp. z o.o. ul. 

Realisation of the "Family Walk" in Serfaus (Tirol, AT)
Commisssioned by: Tourismusverband Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Detailed plan for a "Sensory trail" in Virgen (Tirol, AT)
Commisssioned by: Tourismusverband Osttirol

Outline concept for the development of "Loischkopf" including themed walked and an indoor attraction in Klamperastall in Brandnertal (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commisssioned by: Bergbahnen Brandnertal GesmbH

Creation of a sommertime tourism masterplan for mountain based adventure staging in Laterns (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commisssioned by: Seilbahnen Laterns GmbH

Concept development for „Smuggler trails around the Weißseejoch“ small projectCLLD Terra Raetica VI-A „Interreg Italy-Austria 2021-2027“ (Tyrol, AT)
Commisssioned by: regioL Regionalmanagement für den Bezirk Landeck

Tourism masterplan and feasibility study for the adventure staging of the Radursch gorge in the Radursch valley in Pfunds (Tyrol, AT)
Commisssioned by: Tourismusverband Tiroler Oberland

Concept creation and delivery of "Thermi Trails" in Leukerbad - adventure trail on Torrent with interative marbel runs (Kanton Wallis, CH
Commisssioned by: InnoProFin AG


Development of initial ideas and concepts for the purpose of making funding applications for adventure staging in Javalambre, sectors Sabina and Lapiaz (Aragonien, ES)
Commisssioned by: Nieve de Teruel, S.A.

Production of two marble runs "Peg board and balancing labyrinth" (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commisssioned by: Aletsch Bahnen AG 

Development of a series of puzzles and implementation of 5 audio stations on Grünberg on the way to Laudachsee (Upper Austria, AT)
Commisssioned by: Traunsee Touristik GmbH Nfg & Co KG

Creation of a masterplan for amusements on the Schmitten (Salzburg, AT)
Commisssioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG

The development of a concept for an adventure trail in Maishofen (Salzburg, AT)
Commisssioned by: Tourismusverband Maishofen

Plan for logo-based playground equipment for the market square  
Commisssioned by:Stadt Barntrup

Creation of a concept for an adventure playground in Morillon (Haute-Savoie, FR)
Commisssioned by:Commune de Morillon

Realisation of the relauch of "Six senses", including relaxation stations, in Serfaus (Tirol, AT)
Commisssioned by:Tourismusverband Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Coordination of realisation and marketing of  the Bad Waltersdorf Pleasure Tour project (Steiermark, AT)
Commisssioned by: Kurkommission Bad Waltersdorf

Evolution and rennovation of an existing adventure trail in the Garmisch-Classic area to a themed trail - move smart - designed to encourage movement and an awareness of nature (Bavaria, DE)    
Commisssioned by: Bayrische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

Planning and realisation of stations for the natural momument Rinner Lacke (Tirol, AT)
Commisssioned by:Gemeinde Rinn

Production and delivery of marbel run stations for the Aletsch Arena (Kanton Wallis, CH)
Commisssioned by:Aletsch Bahnen AG

Design for the interative exhibition "MILA Adverture trail" on the theme of cheese production at the MILA works in Bruneck (South Tyrol, IT)
Commisssioned by: Latte Montagna Alto Adige Società Agricola Cooperativa

Creation of a detailed plan for the relaunch of the existing "Holzweg" trail (wood way) (Baden-Württemberg, DE)
Commisssioned by: Baiersbronn Touristik

Development of a detailed plan for and adventure trail on the theme of "Monks and Feudal farmers - Gems of knowledge from Klosterreichenbach" in  Baiersbronn (Baden-Württemberg, DE)
Commisssioned by: Baiersbronn Touristik

Design for a prototype station for the "Forest Discovery Trail" in Algund (Südtirol, IT)
Commisssioned by: Tourismusverein Algund

Development of a tourism plan for the relaunch of the "Six Senses", Family and Lake promenade trails (Tyrol, AT)
Commisssioned by: Tourismusverband Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Detailed plan for the reconfiguration of the existing “Water labyrinth” at the "Flower Park" adventure play area on Allmendhubel (Canton Bern, CH)
Commisssioned by: SCHILTHORNBAHN AG

Creation of an outline concept for the "Timber" Information point (Styria, AT)
Commisssioned by: Schutzgebietsverwaltung Wildnisgebiet Dürrenstein-Lassingtal

Realisaton of the "Groussebesch" forest adventure trail in Niederanven (LU)
Commisssioned by: Administration Communale Niederanven

Development of an outline concept for the Wellness Park Mittelberg im Kleinwalsertal (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commisssioned by: Gemeinde Mittelberg

Greenbelt Mitwitz - relaisation of a themed adventure trail and playpark in Mitwitz, (Bavaria DE)
Commisssioned by: Marktgemeinde Mitwitz

Creastion of a tourism plan, thematic staging and visitor pahtways at the Natrual cheese  makers (Bavaria, DE)
Commisssioned by: Naturkäserei TegernseerLand eG

Detailed planning, design and creation of an eduational land and climate trail, as part of the "Boden-Klima-Lehrpfad Stadt Hamm" project (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Commisssioned by: Stadt Hamm

Development of a tourism staging concept (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commisssioned by: Brand Tourismus GmbH

Realisation of the 2024 exention to Brunos Mountain World, Russbach - Dachstein West (Oberösterreich, AT)
Commisssioned by:Dachstein Tourismus AG


Planning and installation of "Children's adventure Thyon" (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commisssioned by: Commune de Vex

Planning and implementation of an adventure trail with interactive stations in Ostseebad Deringsdorf. (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DE)

Planning and realisation of the educational trail "Geologiestegs" at View Point Moosfluh - Aletsch Arena (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Aletsch Bahnen AG 

Creation of a masterplan for the Bee World tourist attraction in the Pöllau valley (Styria, AT)

Creation of a active, healing forest with 23 activity stations around Maasberges near the town of  Bad Sobernheim (Rheinland-Pfalz, DE)
Commissioned by: Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft VG Nahe Glan mbH

Relalisation of the themed trail "From grain to bread" in the Silz area (Tyrol, AT)

Implementation of new signage for the NRW-Foundation in Trupbach part 2 (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)

Planning and graphic presentation of the "Communication in Animal and Plant Kingdoms" exhibition for the Haus für Natur in St. Pölten (Lower Austria, AT)

Realisation of three interactive educational adventure trails in Diemelsee nature park
Commissioned by: Naturpark Diemelsee

Detailed planning for the circular "Thermi Trail" in Torrent (Canton Wallis, CH)

Creation of a concept for the Grasjoch-Verwall area (Vorarlberg, AT)

Creation of an outline concept for adventure staging and a new play area in the leisure arena in Galtür (Tyrol, AT)

Design for the themed trail "SOS Kinderdorf" in Imst (Tyrol, AT)

Design of "nature and movement trail" in Garmisch Partenkirchen (Bavaria, DE)

Planning and construction of the Bee adventure pathway in the Hundshaupten Wildlife Park (Bavaria, DE)

Planning and construction of the Bee inspired playground attractions in the Hundshaupten Wildlife Park (Bavaria, DE)

Realisation of an indoor blacklight adventure golf course with golf simulator (Tyrol, AT)

Creation of the study to support the planning of a recreational facility in the Dunkelsteinerwald Region (Lower Austria AT)

Realisation of an adventure cycle trail in Ruprechtshofen (Lower Austria, AT)
Commisisioned by: Verein der Bäuerinnen in der Gemeinde Ruprechtshofen

Realisation of a "Bio learning and adventure trail" for Bio Austria in Götzis (Vorarlberg, AT)

Development of a tourism Masterplan for summer tourist attractions around the Ettelsberg Cablecar in Willingen (Hessen, DE)

Creation or a concept for the avalanche wall adventure trail, with QR code, in Leukerbad (Canton Wallis, CH)

Design and implementation of an indoor playground at the "Montela Appartments" in Saas Grund (Wallis, CH)

Development of an outline concept for a marble run (Appenzell-Innerrhoden, CH)

Creation of a tourism masterplan for summer- and winter attractions for Leysin Mountain Railway (Canton Waadt, CH)
Commissioned by: TLML - Télé Leysin-Les Mosses-La Lécherette SA

Development of an ouline tourism concept for the redesign of "SKYROPE" high ropes park with a link to the treetop walk  in Bad Harzburg (Niedersachsen, DE)

Creation of the tourism concept for the further development for the "Tuxerwelten" attractions in Tux (Tyrol, AT)

Relaunch of the Ghostly Gorge in Leutasch (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Olympiaregion Seefeld

Creation of a detailed plan for the nature trail on Wutzsee / Lindow (Brandenburg, DE)
Commissioned by: Stadt Lindow (Mark)

Creation of a masterplan for adventure tourist attractions on Karakoli in Metsovo (Epirus, GR)

Planning and implimentation of an indoor play area for children in Montela Hotel and Resort in Saas-Grund (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: The Real Project AG

Concept development for the relaunch of the existing "Downhillhoppers" trail and an extension to animal world in Brandnertal (Vorarlberg, AT)

Creation of an outline concept for a village play park in Zams (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeindeamt Zams

Completion of the LEADER supported project "Discovery Trail FISCHAmend" (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde Fischamend

Implementation of work prior to a relauch of the Natural Springs trail and the Fox Adventure (Animal Worlds) in Brandnertal (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Brandnertal GesmbH

Delivery of three telescopes and a listening station for the LEADER project Experience Nature in Cumberland Wildlife Park Grünau. (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Naturtierpark Grünau GmbH

Installation of stations for a marbel run  on Kronberg (Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden, CH)
Commissioned by: Luftseilbahn Jakobsbad-Kronberg AG

Development and realisation of an event tool for children on the theme of active mobility (Vienna, AT)
Commissioned by: Mobilitätsagentur Wien GmbH

Installation of a new infastructure on the original slag heaps, now repurposed for tourism, in the Rhur - gastro-deck and information portal, Plannin phases 1-6 (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Commissioned by: Regionalverband Ruhr

Installation of an "Animals of the Alps" playpark in Galtür (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Galtür

Installation of a  "Village Playpark" in Zams (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeindeamt Zams

Planning for the route to the valley in Rossweid/Sörenberg (Kanton Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG

Realisation of the "Knight's trail around Ginsburg" (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Commissioned by: Verein zur Erhaltung der Ginsburg e.V.

Installation of an entry portal to the kids' area "Fredy Land" in Gosau, Dachstein West (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Dachstein Tourismus AG

Grünberg Storyline - A reworking and development of the existing story "The Grünberg Gang", including the development of ideas for further staging (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Traunsee Touristik GmbH Nfg & Co KG


Realisation of an Interactive Information hub and educational tool kit for the LEADER Nature's Treasures in the West Weinviertel project (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Naturforum westliches Weinviertel

Outline concept for a project to enhance and upgrade routes across and along the banks of the river Nidder (Hessen, DE)
Commissioned by: Stadt Nidderau

Generation of ideas for summer and winter staging on the Panhans meadow, Semmering (Niederösterreich, AT)

Development of a tourism masterplan for the repurposing of 15 spoil heaps left behind by former coalmines in the Ruhr Valley. (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Comissioned by: Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR)

Initial project scoping for the 'Torrent View Viewing Platform" next to the Rinderhütte Station on Torrent (Canton Wallis, CH)

Planning and realisation of additional attractions for 'Bruno's Bergwelt' on the Hornspitz in Rußbach (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Dachstein West GmbH

Development of a working paper and data preparation in support of the submission for the Wine Trail In Sierre (Canton Wallis, CH)

Concept development for a playground along an adventure trail in Bergstadt Bad Grund in Harz (Niedersachsen, DE)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Bad Grund

Design and realisation of interative stations for the forest adventure trail in Acisbrunnen in Schlüchtern (Hessen, DE)
Commissioned by: Magistrat der Stadt Schlüchtern

Creation of a tourism Master plan and concept for the high lying tourist resorts in the province of Giresun: Bektaş, Kulakkaya and Kümbet (Giresun, TR)

Generation of an outline concept for the remodelling of an adventure playground in Feichten in Kaunertal (Tyrol, AT)

Realisation of the 'Monster Alarm on Animal Moutain' children's ski slope in Obertauern (Salzburg, AT)
Comissioned by: Kehrkopf Seilbahn GmbH

Installation of a vertical glass marble run for kids (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Riedel Glas Tiroler Glashütte GmbH

Realisation of the "Animal Gathering" adventure trail in Krispl-Gaißau (Tyrol, AT)

Design of an educational trail for Bio Austria in Vorarlberg (Vorarlberg, AT)

Detailed planning of the "Cookoo Clock" trail in Schönwald in the Black Forest (Bavaria, DE)

The development of a concept for an adventure trail around the theme of climate change mitigation in Dienten on the Hochkönig (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Dienten

Design of an adventure play park in the Farchant nature park (Bayern, DE)

Creation of an outline concept for the staging of the "Scensory Worlds in Virgen" (Osttyrol, AT)

Implementation of additonal elements to "Bruno's Mountain World" (Salzburg, AT)

Creation of a tourism Master plan and concept for the high lying tourist resorts in the province of Ordu: Aybasti/ Persembe (Ordu, TR)

Development of an outline concept for a playpark in the Schierke resort in Harz (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)

Implementation of the LEADER Projects "Climate Action" adverture trail in Dienten (Salzburg, AT)

Creation of a concept for an indoor facility with UV Blacklight minigolf and a golf simulator in Hotel Hohenhaus in Hintertux (Tyrol, AT)

Realisation of the "Children's farm" Adventure playground on Schönampalm in Fiss (Tyrol, AT)

Development of an outline concept for the "Climate Change and Extinction" exhibition in the Wildalpen Visitor Centre (Styria, AT)


Delivery plan for the "Geology Bridge Moosfluh" with interactive stations for an adventure trail on the subject of receeding glaciers and climate change on Riederalp (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Aletsch Bahnen AG 

Planning, site management and realisation of the LIFE Lech II project: Action E.2.4 - Visitor facility (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung 

Assess the status quo and generate a stimulus paper for a potential leisure/theme park in the grounds of the outdoor pool in Bad Soden-Salmünster, as part of a wider local development project (Hessen, DE)
Commissioned by: Magistrat der Stadt Bad Sonden-Salmünster

Concept for the redesign of the "Franziskusruh" playpark in Salmünster, as part of a wider local development project (Hessen, DE)
Commissioned by: Magistrat der Stadt Bad Soden-Salmünster

Work to improve and upgrade Spessartfährte's most impressive hiking trail: Stolzenbergber Ritterblick (Hessen, DE)
Commissioned by: Magistrat der Stadt Bad Soden-Salmünster

Creation of an staging concept for Kastanienallee and Anhaltiner Platz in Ballenstedt (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)
Commissioned by: Stadtverwaltung Ballenstedt

Production of newly info boards to upgrade the existing boards in the Wienerwald Biosphere Park (Vienna and Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Biosphärenpark Wienderwald Management GmbH

Detailed plans for summer and winter experiences for children in Thyon (Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Commune de Vex

Implementation of new staging for the "Kugelbahnweg", a marble run inspired trail connecting various components of the adventure arena in St. Corona (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Familienarena Bucklige Welt - Wechselland GmbH, ARGE St. Corona Tourismus

Outline concept for additonal new elements for "Brunos Bergwelt" (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Dachstein West GmbH

Realisation of "The Adventures of Flurin the Snow Dragon" Kidsslope in Bolgen in Davos (Graubünden, CH)
Commissioned by: Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG

Options paper for the outdoor leisure facility Solerbad, in Dorfgastein (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Dorfgasteiner Freizeitanlagen GmbH & CO KG

Implementation of the "Fascinating Wilderness" exhibition in the Wilderness House (UNESCO World Heritage Site) in Lunz am See (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Schutzgebietsverwaltung Wildnisgebiet Dürrenstein

Design for the "Grünes Band" themed trail and play park in Mitwitz (Bavaria, DE) 
Commissioned by: Fremdenverkehrsverband Mitwitz und Umgebung e.V.

Creation of a visitor experience masterplan, taking in the districts of Aichhalden, Schiltach and Schenkenzell (Baden-Württemberg, DE)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Aichhalden

Realisation of interactive information elements for the  "Diversity Trail" in Alkoven (Upper Austria, AT
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Alkoven

Creation of an outline tourism concept for a forest walk, "Walderlebnispfad Mühlewald" (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Damüls

Project coordination and installation of learning and doing stations about the water cycle for Terra Raetica project in Ladis (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Ladis

Realisation of 4 themes trails with the overarching theme "Rietz Refreshes - a timeout for body and mind" in Rietz (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Rietz

Development of an outline concept for a "Breathing Spaces" experience in Warth-Schröcken (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Warth, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus 

Outline concept and visualisation for a zoned "cookoo clock" adventure trail in Schönwald, with potential for future expansion and options for an eyecatching centrepiece. (Baden-Wüttemberg, DE)
Commissioned by: Gemeindeverwaltung Schönwald im Schwarzwald 

Delivery of two accompanying puzzlebooks for the adventure trails "Saanis Sound Experience" (Gstaad - Saanen) and "Saanis Mountain  Experience" (Saanenmöser - Schönried) (Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Realisation of the adventure trails "Saanis Sound Experience" in Gstaad - Saanen and "Saanis Mountain Experience", including overall project coordination (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Realisation of two adventure trails: "Saanis Sound Experience" (Gstaad - Saanen) and "Saanis Mountain Experience" (Saanenmöser - Schönried) (Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Concept for a Forest adventure trail for Hansestadt Demmin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, D)
Commissioned by: Hansestadt Demmin

Realisation of the educational elements on the forest trail in Hansestadt Demmin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DE)
Commissined by: Hansestadt Demmin 

Implementation of the adventure trail "A View with Vision" in Hollabrunn (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn

Realisation of the discovery trail "Golmi's Forscherpfad" on advenure mountain Golm, Tschagguns (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: illwerke vkw AG

Creation of an adventure trail in Absdorf (Lower Austria, A)
Commissioned by: Marktgemeinde Absdorf

Realisation of the "Grand Moorland Circuit" in Rossweid in Sörenberg (Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG

Creation of a tourism masterplan with a "Mountain Experience Centre" on Medrigalm in Paznaun as its focal point. (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen See GesmbH

Realisation of new information boards for the NRW Foundation in "Trupbach"  (Nordrhein-Westfalen, D)
Commissioned by: NRW GmbH

Creation of a learning toolkit for the LEADER education project, Nature's Treasuretrove in the western Waldviertel (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Naturforum westliches Niederösterreich

Concept development for the "Groussebesch" forest trail in Niederanven (Luxemburg)
Commissioned by: Administration Communale Niederanven

Creation and realisation of the  "Pflanzenöle" (plant oils) trail on the site of the Raab  oil press in Fraham (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Ölmühle Raab KG

Installation of "Binis Abernteuerberg" play park (Bini's Adventure Mountain) at the top station of the Eckbauerbahn in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Partenkirchner BergBahnen GmbH & Co KG

Concept development for an adventure trail in "Patersberg" in Mainleus (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Markt Mainleus

Development of a stimulus paper outlining potential indoor attactions at the top station on Patscherkofen (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Patscherkofelbahn Betriebs GmbH

Renovation and extension of "Bruno's Mountain World" in Rußbach - Dachstein West (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Dachstein West GmbH

Concept development for an exhibition at the base station of the Schafbergbahn (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Salzburg AG/Salzkammergutbahn GmbH

Planning and implementation of the Flower Labyrinth (Water Labyrinth), an extension of the existing FLOWER PARK adventure playground on Schilthorn - Piz Gloria (Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: SCHILTHORNBAHN AG

Work on the Schilthorn Utilisation Plan (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: SCHILTHORNBAHN AG

Detailed plans for the redesign of the "Baptism of Fire" Tower on the Schmittenhöhe in Zell am See
Commissioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG

Creation of a playpark on Hirschenkogel, comprising a marbelrun, motor skills apparatus and a relaxation area (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissined by: Semmering-Hirschenkogel Bergbahnen GmbH

Creation of the forest games and forest thriller concepts,  as part of an overarching plan for   Blomberg in Bad Tölz  (Bavaria, D)
Commissioned by: Stadt Bad Tölz

Realisation of phase 1 of the "Discovery Trail on Blomberg", including the Forest Play Pass, Low Ropes Garden, Information boards and Waldkrimi App (Forest Thriller) 
Commissioned by: Stadt Bad Tölz

Installation of 3 new fitness stations (outdoor parcour) in Weingarten (Baden Württemberg, DE)
Commissioned by: Stadt Weingarten 

Creation of a detailed upgrade plan for the Fanny von Stratzing (Venus vom Galgenberg) cultural heritage  site complete with new staging around the site of the original find (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Marktgemeinde Stratzing

Implementation of an "Orchard Experience" with natural interactive infopoints in Tandern (Bavaria, D)
Commissioned by: Obst- und Gartenbauverein Tandern e.V.

Design and planning of themed trails for Pitztal's Nature Experience (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tiroler Jägerverband 

Creation of a summer tourism masterplan for Leukerbad (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Torrent-Bahnen Leukerbad-Albinen AG

Design of a "playpark" adventure trail Hilchenbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Commissioned by:Tourismus- und Kneipp-Verein Hilchenbach e.V.

Creation of a stimulus paper for new attractions in Hilchenbach - water play feature on the Gerichtswiese (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Commissioned by: Tourismus- und Kneipp-Verein Hilchenbach e.V.

Design for an adventure trail in Gaissau (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Krispl-Gaißau

Creation of an outline tourism plan for the staging of the Tuxbach gorge (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Tux-Finkenberg

Realisation of local pathways and a visitor management concept along the Danube between Halsau und Regelsbrunn (Lower Austria, A)
Commissioned by: Umweltverband WWF Österreich

Concept for the "Camino de Reflexiones" (Pathway of reflection) in Vall de Núria (Catalonia, ES)
Commissioned by: FGC Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Development of an adventure trail on Ginsberg Heath in Hilchenbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE)
Commissioned by: Verein zur Erhaltung der Ginsburg e.V.

Concept for an adventure trail to showcase the history of Wüstung Eckweiler (Rheinland-Pfalz, DE)
Commissioned by: Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft VG Nahe Glan mbH

Responsible for artistic direction on the "learning and experiencing nature" project in Stausee Ahl (Hessen, DE)
Commissioned by: Zweckverband Erholungsanlagen beim Stausee Kinzig 


Development of a staging plan for the bike trails in and around Aachen - "Adventure terrain Aachen" (Nordrhein-Westfalen, D)
Commissioned by: StädteRegion Aachen

Extention the existing children's winterland in Andermatt (Canton Uri, CH)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Outline concept for the outdoor area and healing thermal baths in Bad Waltersdorf (Styria, AT)
Commissioned by: Heiltherme Bad Waltersdorf GmbH & Co KG

Planning and realisation of the interative, multi-media visitor centre "Bullinarium - Infotainment" in Markt Allhau (Burgenland, AT)
Commissioned by: Haller GmbH

Design for the "Forest experience" trail in Gemeinde Damüls (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Damüls (local council)

Outline concept for year round tourist attractions in Davos - Bolgen (Canton Graubünden, CH)
Commissioned by: Destination Davos Klosters Tourismus- und Sportzentrum

Design for a Kidsslope and Snowgarden in Davos - Bolgen (Canton Graubünden, CH)
​​​​​​​Commissioned by: Destination Davos Klosters Tourismus- und Sportzentrum

Creation of the "Waldviertel Nature Experience" information and communications system for Destination Waldviertel GmbH (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Destination Waldviertel GmbH

Design of the Natura 2000 information centre, outside space and adventure trails in Drömling (ELER-project "Old pumpingstation Buchhorst", IV-2018-ELER-Environmental studies) (Sachsen-Anhalt, D)
Commissioned by: Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Drömling Sachsen-Anhalt

Redesign of the exhibition in the Wilderness House: repositioning and customisation of exhibition elements. Revision of detailed plans (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Schutzgebietsverwaltung Wildnisgebiet Dürrenstein

Installation of EVN Teens activity stations and the creation of a "Renewable Energy" event toolkit (Vienna, AT)
Commissioned by: EVN AG

Design and first phase build of the themed playpark in Rossbrand (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Filzmoos (tourism association)

Creation of a concept for the "Strength and Senses" adventure trail in Fiss (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis (tourism association)

Phase 2 implementation of the "Energy and Senses Trail" relaunch in Fiss (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Fisser Bergbahnen GmbH

Relaunch of the "Energy and Senses Trail" in Fiss (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Fisser Bergbahnen GmbH

Design and realisation of a multi-functional exhibition space and tourist office in Schneizlreuth.  (Detailed concept, delivery plan and tender) (Bavaria, D)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Schneizlreuth 

Realisation of a multifunctional exhibition and tourist information hub in Schneizlreuth, comprising information desks, exhibits and wall graphics. (Bavaria, D)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Schneizlreuth

Final detailed planning and artistic direction for the "Piz Buin" viewing platform on Silvretta Bielerhöhe (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: illwerke vkw AG

Plan for the relaunch of "Golmi's Discovery Trail" on Golm, including the integration of the mascot "Golmi" (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: illwerke vkw AG

Development of a new storyline and final artwork for the main characters to feature in the new attractions in adventure park Schwarzsee Kaiseregg (Canton Freiburg, CH)
Commissioned by: GF Kaisereggbahnen Schwarzsee AG (lift operator)

Outline concept for the "Kolbensattel" adventure attractions in Oberammergau (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: AktivArena am Kolben GmbH & Co. KG

Design and graphics for the nature garden in Kreuth (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Kreuth (local council)

Design of an adventure park for the bottom station in Kronberg (Waterpark, giant sand pit, climing crown and parcours) (Canton Appenzell - Innerrhoden, CH)
Commissioned by: Luftseilbahn Jakobsbad-Kronberg AG (lift operator)

Creation of a themed visitor concept for the Marble Experience in Laas (South Tyrol, IT)
Commissioned by: Grischconsulta AG

"The priceless treasures of Lofer's Alpine meadows" Children's Storyline and mascots. (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahn Lofer GmbH (lift operator)

Delivery of an outline concept for a "Youth and Sport" Activity Arena on the Festplatz in Salmünster (Hessen, D)
Commissioned by: Magistrat der Stadt Bad Soden-Salmünster

Outline concept for the staging of the avalanche protection - "Lawinenmauern Leukerbad" -  in the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Creation of an outline concept for an adventure playground at the Eckbauerbahn top station in Garmisch-Patenkirchen (Bavaria, D),
Commissioned by: Partenkirchner BergBahnen GmbH & Co KG

Design for a nature trail on the Donauinsel at Bucht Reichsbrücke (Vienna, AT)
Commissioned by: MA 45 - BA 5

Design for the development of themed trails in Rietz (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Rietz (local council)

Installation of information boards and other elements on the mountain forest trail in Röthelmoos (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR, Forstbetrieb Ruhpolding

Interactive information delivery structure for the LEADER education project - Natures' treasures in West Weinviertel, Sitzendorf an der Schmida (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Naturforum westliches Weinviertel

Information Box design for the LEADER education project - Natures' treasures in West Weinviertel, Sitzendorf an der Schmida (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Naturforum westliches Weinviertel

Proposal for the deployment of KIWANIS Sursee in Sörenberg for June 2021 (Canton Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG (lift operator)

Redesign of the existing "Planet Walk" in St-Luc (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Funiculaire St-Luc - Chadolin SA

Design and realisation of the "Duell in the Vinyard" adventure trail in Straß im Straßertal (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Marktgemeinde Straß im Straßertale (local council)

Design and implementation of a puzzle trail in Putzatal in Fügen in Zillertal.  The puzzle trail is an extension to the exisiting "Putzi and the Magic Nut" trail on the route to Goglhof. (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Erste Ferienregion im Zillertal

Rennovation of the Audio element at the "Walk of Lyrics" in Ischgl (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Paznaun-Ischgl

Design for the Ciment tourist railway
Commissioned by: FGC Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Realisation of "Playpark Wachterhof" in Wachterhof in Kaltenbach (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Wachterhof GmbH

Creation of the "InfoCube" exhibition at the Testa Grigia cable car in Zermatt (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Zermatt Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)

Creation of a detailed concept for a "Natural landscape to live and learn" at Stausee Ahl (Hessen, D)
Commissioned by: Zweckverband Erholungsanlagen beim Stausee Kinzig


Planning and implementation of a nature trail with designated Nature-experience App for the Angelbachtal community council (Baden-Württemberg, D)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Angelbachtal (local council)

Design and planning for the extrensive rennovation of the premium hiking trail in the Spessart mountains: The Knight's Lookout on Stolzenberg (Hessen, D)
Commissioned by: Kurbetrieb der Stadt Bad Soden-Salmünster

Design for the "Energy" adventure trail on Silvretta-Bielerhöhe (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: illwerke vkw AG

Design for the "Energy Flash" platform on Silvretta-Bielerhöhe (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: illwerke vkw AG

Design for the Energy adventure playground on Silvretta-Bielerhöhe (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: illwerke vkw AG

Design and coordination of new staging in the Dachstein Ice caves near Obertraun (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Dachstein Tourismus AG (tourism association)

Outline concept for year round tourism staging in Davos Bolgen (Canton Graubünden, CH)
Commissioned by: Destination Davos Klosters Tourismus- und Sportzentrum

Creation of a detailed plan for "Nörggelesteig" (South Tyrol, IT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol (tourism association)

Exhibition planning and implementation for the World Natural Heritage Centre in the Dürrenstein Conservation Area (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Schutzgebietsverwaltung Wildnisgebiet Dürrenstein

Design alterations for the adventure trail "Almseerunde" in Ehrwald (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tiroler Zugspitzbahn GesmbH Ehrwalder Almbahn + Busbetrieb

Design of the "Zentrumsrunde" trail in Fischamend (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde Fischamend (local council)

Addition of supplementary elements - two types of seating - to "The Golden Man" trail (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Fisser Bergbahnen GmbH (lift operator)

Realisation of the children's winter wonderland "Nieveaventura" in Formigal - Aramón (Aragón, ES)
Commissioned by: Formigal SA.

Design of the children's winter wonderland "Nieveaventura" in Formigal - Aramón (Aragón, ES)
Commissoned by: Formigal SA.

Environmentally sensitive realisation of outdoor classroom elements along the forest heath themed trail near Amstetten (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Stadtamt der Stadtgemeinde Amstetten (local council)

Installation of info boards for adventure mountain Gaschurn (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Silvretta Montafon Bergerlebnisse GmbH

Realisation of the Nova Stoba animal kingdom and 4 Barga trails in Gaschurn (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Silvretta Montafon Bergerlebnisse GmbH

Design and realisation of the "Reisenhof" giant's playground in Großarl (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Martin Laireiter

Staging design plan and visualisation for the GrEEn project (Energy from mine water for ENERGETICON) (Nordrhein-Westfalen, D)
Commissioned by: Energeticon gGmbH

Realisation of the "Swinging Weather" Kidsslope in Hintertux (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Zillertaler Gletscherbahn GmbH & Co KG (lift operator)

Installation of new staging in the Alpine gardens on Hohen Kasten (Canton Appenzell-Innerrhoden, CH)
Commissioned by: Hoher Kasten Drehrestaurant und Seilbahn AG

Creation of an outline plan for the "Rundweg Better" route on Hohen Kasten (Canton Appenzell-Innerhoden, CH)
Commissioned by: Hoher Kasten Drehrestaurant und Seilbahn AG

Additional detailed design for the tree top walkway in Ufhusen (Canton Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Pro Regio Huttwil

Installation of elements for the moorland experience in Inzell (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Inzell (local council)

Year round tourism masterplan for Kaisereggbahn and Schwarzsee cable car station (Canton Freiburg, CH)
Commissioned by: GF Kaisereggbahnen Schwarzsee AG (lift operator)

Concept for a doing & learning terrain, teaching environmental themes in Stausee Ahl (Hessen, D)
Commissioned by: Zweckverband Erholungsanlagen beim Stausee Kinzig

Concept for the staging of an adventure playground in Kirchschlag (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Team Tourismusmarketing GmbH

Year round tourism materplan for the Jakobsbad-Kronberg (Canton Appenzell-Innerrhoden, CH)
Commissioned by: Luftseilbahn Jakobsbad-Kronberg AG (lift operator)

Preliminary research and outline year round concept for the bottom station of the Jakobsbad-Kronberg (Canton Appenzell-Innerrhoden, CH)
Commissioned by: Luftseilbahn Jakobsbad-Kronberg AG (lift operator)

Outline concept for the "Lader Ponds" attraction in Ladis (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis (tourism association)

Realisation of the "Naturpark" exhibition space in Längenfeld (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Vogel Audiovision GmbH

Design and installation of interactive stations for energy provider IB Langenthal (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: IB Langenthal AG

Development of a story and mascot to enhance the children's packages in Almwelt Lofer (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahn Lofer GmbH (lift operator)

Report on draft ideas for a woodland adventure attraction in Mayrhofen (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Mayrhofen-Hippach (tourism association)

Report on draft ideas for a sports adventure attraction in Hippach (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Mayrhofen-Hippach (tourism association)

Outline proposal for the "Latemarium" adventure landscape, including the development of new themed trails from the Ochsenweide (Golfrion) top station in Obereggen (South Tyrol, IT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusgenossenschaft Eggental (tourism association)

Creation of an outline concept for a play - sport - water park around the bathing lake in See/Paznaun (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Paznaun-Ischgl (tourism association)

Installation of staging and an extention the overhead track and play park at "Erlebnisfels Pottenstein"
Commissioned by: Josef Wiegand Holding GmbH

Concept to enhance the curb appeal of the entry to Preiner Gscheid (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Team Tourismusmarketing GmbH

Realisation of interative elements on the "Nature's Oasis" trail in Puchheim (Bavaria, D)
Commissioned by: Stadt Puchheim - Umweltamt

Outline concept for an adventure playgound "Reisenhof" for the mountain lodge in Grosarl (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Hotel Garni Reisenhof

Creative concept for the "bathing waters" attraction in Ried (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Tiroler Oberland (tourism association)

Realisation of an adventure playground beside the bathing lake in Ried in Oberinntal (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Tiroler Oberland (tourism association)

Design for interactive stations dedicated to the geology of Riederalp (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Aletsch Bahnen AG (lift operator)

Tourism masterpan entitled "A new Direction for Rofan, at natural treasure" in Kramsach (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Verein "Naturjuwel Rofan"

Rennovation of the Rüfikopf viewing platform at the "White Ring" on the Arlberg (Vorarlberg, AT)
Commissioned by: Ski Arlberg, Pool West Lech-Oberlech-Zürs GesbR

Design and realisation of the Marmot Mountain play area in San Martino (South Tyrol, IT)
Commissioned by: Funivie Seggiovie San Martino SPA

Design of two new themed trails based on the protection of the alpine forest in Scheidegg (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Scheidegg Tourismus (tourism association)

Realisation of the "milking cow" installation for the Flower Park at Allmendhubel on Schilthorn (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design of "the last Schilthorn" kidsslope on the Allmendhubel, Schilthorn (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design of the children's winter wonderland "The last Schilthorn" in Mürren (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Realisation of "Lilly's Magical Kidsslope" on the Allmendhubel, Schilthorn (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Tourism Master plan for winter staging on Schilthorn (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design of the "Mystical Forest" trail on Sonnkogel, Zell am See. Development of Ideas and a storyline to enhance the trail and playpark (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG (lift operator)

Implementaion of winter staging plan on the Schmittenhöhe in Zell am See (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG (lift operator)

Design for the "great moorland tour" on Rossweid in Sörenberg (Canton Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG (lift operator)

Design and development of the life sized mascot costume "Seppli" (Canton Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG (lift operator)

Implementaion of the winter wonderland staging in Sörenberg (Canton Luzern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG (lift operator)

Rennovation of the "planet walk" in St Luc (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Funiculaire St-Luc - Chadolin SA

Year round tourism masterplan for Stoderzinken (Styria, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Gröbminger Land (tourism association)

Concept for adventure tourism packages based around the Stoos Cablecar (Canton Schwyz, CH)
Commissioned by: Team Tourismusmarketing GmbH

Planning, impementation, enhancement and renewal of the Hennerweg in Thayatal National Park (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Nationalpark Thayatal GmbH

Tourism masterplan for Vall de Nuria (Catalonia, ES)
Commissioned by: FGC Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Realisation of the "Wipfelwärts" trail in Waldkirch (Baden-Württemberg, D)
Commissioned by: Erlebnis GmbH

Outline design and feasibility study for the interative trail "In the footsteps of Ebinger's primeval Elephants" in Waldkraiburg (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: Stadt Waldkraiburg

Outline design for the adventure trail "TraunErlebnisWeg" in Wels (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Regionalentwicklungsverband Leaderregion Wels-LEWEL

Realisation of building phase 1 of the "Mystical Forest" project on Sonnenkogel in Zell am See (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG (lift operator)

Concept development for the creation of the "InfoCube" exhibition at the Testa Grigia connecting cable car in Zermatt (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Zermatt Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)


Scripting and adaptation of the film "James Bond on Schilthorn" (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Planning and implementation of innovative, interactive stations on Styria's apple tree road (Styria, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusregionalverband Oststeiermark (tourism association)

Tourism masterplan for summer staging of the Flachau cable car (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Flachau GmbH (lift operator)

Planning and delivery of the "Matti and the ArenaGang" storybook to enhance the children and family experience in SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun (Canton Uri/Graubünden, CH)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Detailed plan of "Forest Tales" for Skywalk Allgäu (Bavaria, DE)
Commissioned by: skywalk allgäu gemeinnützige GmbH

Implementation of two themed trails in Fiss: 'Glimpse into the Mountain' and 'The Golden Man'.
Commissioned by: Fisser Bergbahnen GmbH (lift operator)

Placement of way finders between the top station and the entrance to Triassic Park in Waidring auf der Steinplatte (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Steinplatte AufschließungsgesmbH & Co KG

Detailed plan for the preferred option "Weg der Vielfalt" (Diversity Way) in Alkoven (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Alkoven (local council)

Expansion of initial staging ideas (including a schedule of works) for Hochneukirchen (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Team Tourismusmarketing GmbH

The creation of a tourism plan for the staging and adaptation of the existing route though the Liechtenstein gorge (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde St. Johann im Pongau (local council)

Tourism Masterplan for the staging of "Pielachtaler Sehnsucht" (Yearning for Pielachtal) for Hoffstetten-Grünau (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Marktgemeinde Hofstetten-Grünau (local council)

Competition entry Green-Art Tulln #Egon100 (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Saint Elmo's Team Tourismusmarketing Team Tourismusmarketing GmbH

Schedule of work for the Kidsslope in Hintertux (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Zillertaler Gletscherbahn GmbH & Co KG (lift operator)

Coordinated tourism masterplan for adventure attractions on Wispile in Gstaad (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Destination Gstaad AG (lift operator)

Design of 2 family friendly adventure trails in Gstaad (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus (tourism association)

Detailed analysis of the economic potential of a proposed Mammoth Park and Ice Age Forest in Huttwil (Canton Bern, CH)
Commissioned by: PRO REGIO HUTTWIL

Realisation of "The Golden Man" themed trail in Fiss (Tirol, AT)
Commissioned by: Fisser Bergbahnen GmbH (lift operator)

Outline concept for visitor attractions in around the Lammerklamm gorge (Salzburg, AT)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Scheffau am Tennengebirge (local council)

Concept development for the "Burgschrofen" trail based around the Hornbahn cable car in Bad Hindelang (Bayern, DE)
Commissioned by: Kurbetriebe Markt Bad Hindelang

Design and delivery of activity stations for the "Complete Diversity" cultivated landscapes garden in Draßburg (Burgenland, AT)
Commissioned by: DORENO Dorferneuerungsverein Draßburg

Detailed plan for the children's winter wonderland in Rinn (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Kommunalbetriebe Rinn GmbH

Design of landscape furniture and relaxation areas on Loipennetz in Ischgl and Galtür (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Paznaun-Ischgl (tourism association)

Realisation of a zoned amusement park in Zell am Ziller, featuring the Goldminer playpark, adventure golf course - the treasures of the Zillertall - and Activecamp (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Freizeitpark Zell GesmbH

Report on initial ideas for attractions based on the specialist "ark" farm in Umhausen (Tyrol, AT)
Commissioned by: Auer Franz Josef

Coordinated masterplan for tourist attractions on "Weissfluhgipfel" in Davos (Canton Graubünden, CH)
Comissioned by: Destination Davos Klosters Tourismus- und Sportzentrum

Planning and implementation of the "summit" trail around "Gipfelerlebnis Eggishorn" (Canton Wallis, CH)
Commissioned by: Aletsch Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)

Design and layout of a puzzle book linked to the Heidi playgound in the Lanquart Fashion Outlet (Canton Graubünden, CH)
Commissioned by: VIA D.O.L.. GmbH

Realisation of the Egon Schiele Playground in Tulln an der Donau (Lower Austria, AT)

Installation of signage on the middle station in Nätschen, part of the SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun (Canton Uri/Graubünden, CH)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Design and practical implementation of interactive elements of the “Pannonischer Bienengarten” (Pannonian Apiary) in Nickelsdorf (Lower Austria, Austria)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Nickelsdorf (local council)

Tourism master plan for the staging of the Stubnerkogel “Talblick” experience and the “Edelweiss Walk” in Gasteinertal (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Gasteiner Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)

Creative direction of the “Talblick” viewing platform on Stubnerkogel im Gasteinertal (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Gasteiner Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)

Tourism master plan for the staging of “Erlebnisfelsen Pottenstein” a cohesive visitor experience built around the summer bob run and high walkway.
Commissioned by: Josef Wiegand Holding GmbH

Development of a proposal for the expansion and renovation of Triassic Park on the Steinplatte near Waidring (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Steinplatte Aufschließungs-Gesellschaft mbH & CO KG (local development organisation)

Master planning for the provision of information and to steer visitor choices at the river meadow Marchegg (Lower Austria, Austria)
Commissioned by: Verein March Raum

Design and implementation of the “Forschertour” discovery experience on Madritsche (Carinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by: Madritschen Seilbahanen und Tourismus GmbH (lift operator and tourism association)

Tourism master plan regarding the summer staging of the Hohsaas Cable Car (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Hohsaas (lift operator)

Tourism master plan for summer specific staging in Saas Fee (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Saastal Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)

Detailed concept for a nature trail combined with a nature experience App for the community of Angelbachtal (Baden Württenberg, Germany)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Angelbachtal (local council)

Concept development for the Nova Stoba region, an adventure trail to Ganterkopf and a further walkway “4 Barga” in Gaschurn im Montafon (Vorarlberg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Silvretta Montafon Holdings GmbH (lift operator)

Re-development of the top station arrival area on Steinplatte bei Waidring, including signposting towards the Triassic Centre. Design of a system to manage visitor footfall. (Tyrol, Austria).
Commissioned by Steinplatte AufschließungsgesmbH & Co KG

Basic concept for the “Botantikweg“ experience in Algund (Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverein Algund (tourism association)

Design and implementation of the play area for younger children with a mining theme at “Kinderbergwerk” in Fiss (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Fisser Bergbahnen GmbH (lift operator)

Outline concept and feasibility study for the "Sauwald-Potato" visitor centre (Upper Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Genuss ab Hof eGen

Outline concept for a forest trail, by Hollabrunn (Lower Austria, AT)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn (local council)

Design and implementation of the visitor experience “Waldgeschichten” (forest stories) at Skywalk Allgäu in Scheidegg (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Skywalk Allgäu gemeinnützige GmbH (tourist attraction)

Generation of a draft concept bringing together various existing attractions in Bielerhöhe (Vorarlberg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Power Company, Vorarlberger Illwerke AG (power company)

Design and implementation of the “Geocaching” attraction in Corvara in Badia (Trento-South Tyrol, Italy)
Commissioned by: Grandi Funivie Alta Badia SpA (lift operator)

Detailed design of various adventure elements of “Erlebnisfelsen Pottenstein”, including the visitor management system; overhead staging; elevated walkway and playground on the mountain. (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Josef Wiegand Holding GmbH

Design and implementation of the panoramic circular route “Alpentiere” in Pertisau (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Karwendel Bergbahn und Achensee Berglift GmbH (lift operators)

Concept design for “Thrill Camp Birg”, including “Thrill Walk Retour” (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Concept design for the relaxation area “Thrill Your Feet” at Grauseeli (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design of the “View Lounge” on Schilthorn’s summit (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Creation of a unifying concept specific to young visitors to Schilthorn - a common thread for all elements of a child’s experience of Schilthorn from storyline, though mascots to marketing products. (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design and implementation of a Kidsslope in Warth (Vorarlberg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Dorfbahn Warth GmbH & Co KG (lift operator)


Concept design and delivery of staging in Matti’s family restaurant, creating a children’s experience, with matching signage throughout Andermatt. (Uri, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Draft concept for a playground circuit with a variety of attractions in Schwangau (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Tourist Information Schwangau

Design and implementation of “Play Area Heidi & Peter” at Landquart Fashion Outlet (Graubünden, Switzerland”
Commissioned by: VIA D.O.L GmbH (real estate)

Design and implementation of a variety of interactive nature stations in Neusiedler National Park, Nature Reserves in both Neusiedler See-Leithagebirge and Rosalia-Kogelberg (Burgenland, Austria)
Commissioned by: ARGE NaNaNa

Design and implementation of the “Egon Schiele Play Park” in Tulln (Lower Austria)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde Tulln an der Donau (Town Council)

Creation of a design concept to direct visitor footfall “Hohen Kasten”, near Brülisau (Appenzell Innerrhoden, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Hoher Kasten Drehrestaurant und Seilbahn AG (lift and revolving restaurant operator)

Design and implementation of an adventure playground in Putzatal in Fügen
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Erste Ferienregion in Zillertal (tourism association)

Design and implementation of themed staging for “Märchenweg and Bionikweg” in Fügen, highlighting local folklore and nature’s wonder (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Erste Ferienregion in Zillertal (tourism association)

Basic concept for cohesive and engaging staging in Fischamend, Klein-Neusiedl, Enzersdorf und Schwadorf (Lower Austria)
Commissioned by: Donau Niederösterreich Tourismus GmbH (tourism association)

Summer and winter tourism master plan for Rossbrand in Filzmoos (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Filzmoos GesmbH (lift operator)

Design and implementation of the Marmot Mountain play park - “l’Alpe delle Marmotte” - in San Martino di Catrozza/Alpe Tognola (Trentino – South Tyrol, Italy)
Commissioned by: Funivie Seggiovie San Martino SPA (lift operator)

Rough concept for resort staging in Annaberg (Lower Austia)
Commissioned by: NÖ Bergbahnen – Beteiligungsgeds.m.b.H (lift operator)

Design and implementation of the Infopoints’ exhibition on Hohen Muth, near Obergurgl in Ötztal. (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Verein Naturpark Ötztal (conservation area)

Concept outline for “Erlebnis Tannermoor & Rubeber Teich” (moorland and pond experience) in Liebenau (Upper Austria)
Commissioned by: Marktgemeindeamt Liebenau (local council)

Design and implementation of staging in and around the family mountain restaurant in Nätschen bei Andermatt (Uri, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Design and implementation of a kids’ winter wonderland in Nätschen bei Andermatt (Uri, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Tourism master plan with an emphasis on consistent staging throughout Grächen (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Touristische Unternehmung Grächen (tourism association)

Design and implementation of themed staging in the Hannigalp mountain restaurant near Grächen (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Touristische Unternehmung Grächen (tourism association)

Design, structural calculations and implementation of several piste lounges on Arlberg (Vorarlberg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Arlberger Bergbahnen AG (lift operator)

Development of a blueprint for the hillside experience “Erlebniswiese Auhof” in Großarl (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Hotel Auhof GMbH & Co KG (hotelier)

Development of a child-friendly, educational nature trail for the town of Monheim am Rhein (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland)
Commissioned by Stadt Monheim am Rhein (city council)

Draft concept and economic feasibility study for the “Sauwald-Erdäpfel” (potatoes) visitor centre in St.Aegidi (Upper Austria)
Commissioned by: Genuß ab Hof eGen (Online Farmers’ Market)

Design and implementation of a children’s winter wonderland at Turracher Höhe (Styria, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Turracher Höhe GmbH (lift operator)

Year-round tourism master plan to improve the positioning of the region Joglland-Waldheimat (Styria, Austria)
Commissioned by: TV Joglland-Waldheimat (tourism association)

Basic concept for an adventure pathway and a forest recreation area in Hollabrunner Forest (Lower Austria)
Commissioned by: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn (local council)

Concept and construction of a circus themed playpark “Almzirkus” at mountain Restaurant Waldtratte in Bad Kleinkirchheim (Kärnten, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bergrestaurant Waldtratte GmbH (gastronomie)

Concept for a summer playground and a winter snow park for children in Thyon (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Thélé-Thyon SA (lift operator)

Design and implementation of “Kidslope Sonnleiten” in Bad Kleinkirchheim (Kärnten, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen Sport- und Kuranlagen (lift, sport and spa facilities operator)

Basic concept for the dramatic staging of the Lammerklamm gorge near Scheffau (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Scheffau am Tennengebirge (local council)

Tourism master plan focussing on the staging of the Wolfsklamm gorge near Stans (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Stans Infrastruktur KAG (local council)

Tourism master plan focussed on summer staging in San Martino di Catrozza/Alpe Tognola (Trentino – South Tyrol, Italy)
Commissioned by: Funivie Seggiovie San Martino SPA (lift operator)

Concept and creation of the “Hall of Fame” on Arlberg (Vorarlberg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Ski Arlberg, Pool West Lech-Overlech-Zürs GesbR (lift operator)

Design of the “Märchenweg” fairytale trail in Tux-Finkenberg (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Tuz-Finkenberg (tourism association)

Outline concept for a slide park and barefoot parkours in Zell am See (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG (lift operator)

Design and implementation of an extension to the existing wild water adventure trail in Kreuth (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Kreuth (local council)

Concept for an adventure trail around Hörzendorfer Lake (Carinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by: Manfred Inzinger

Design and implementation of the phase 3 staging of the top station on Piz Gloria (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Development of a proposal for the expansion and renovation of Triassic Park on the Steinplatte near Waidring (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Steinplatte Aufschließungs-Gesellschaft mbH & CO KG (local development organisation)

Second tourism master plan focussing on summer staging on Schilthorn (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Master plan for summer and winter staging in Oedberg (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Oedberglift Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (lift operator)

Design and construction of “Der Goldene Mann – Kinderbergwerk” (The Golden Man – kids’ goldmine) adventure play park in Fiss. (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Fisser Berbahnen GmbH (lift operator)

Winter tourism master plan focussing on engaging resort staging aimed at children and families in Nätschen bei Andermatt (Uri, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG

Design and implementation of the “Feuerturm” (fire tower) play area for small children on the Glocknerwiese Alpine meadow in Zell am See (Salzburg, Austria)
Commissioned by: Schmittenhöhebahn AG (lift operator)

Design and staging of the Alpine Garden on “Hohen Kasten”, near Brülisau (Appenzell Innerrhoden, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Hoher Kasten Drehrestaurant und Seilbahn AG (lift and revolving restaurant operator)

Tourism master plan featuring “Urkraft Vorau” sports facilities, emphasising Vorau as a healthy region (Styria, Austria)
Commissioned by: Marktgemeinde Vorau (local council)

Design for a summer recreation area “Sommererlebnisraum Hochklar” (Lower Austria)
Commissioned by Tourismusverein Göstlinger Alpen (tourism association)

Design and implementation of “Bibi’s Märchenwald” - adventure trails and a play park inspired by an enchanted forest in Ried im Oberinntal (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: TVB Tiroler Oberland (tourism association)

Planning of an alpine forest trail “Bergwalderlebnispfad Rhühpolding-Röthelmoos
Commissioned by: Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR, Forstbetrieb Ruhpolding (forestry commission)

Design of the 4 elements adventure pathway, “Weg der vier Elemente” in Reit im Winkl (Bavaria, Germany)

Design and implementation of the wildlife conservation exhibition “Artenschutz” in Schönbrunn zoo (Vienna, Austria)
Commissioned by: Schönbrunner Tiergarten GesmbH (Zoological Park)

Concept and realisation production of the summit building Piz Gloria - Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG


Concept and realisation Design of the "3S INFOCUBE" information pavilion in Zermatt (Zermatt, CH)
Client: Zermatt Bergbahnen AG

Design and implementation of the “Gletscherflohrundweg“ – a circular route on Bettmeralp highlighting the ecological importance of the glacier flea. (Wallis, Switzerland)

Development of a proposal for an adventure playground in “Maibrunn” near Badkleinkirchheim (Corinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by Gemeinde Badkleinkirchheim (local council)

Design and implementation of the phase 2 staging of the top station on Piz Gloria (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design and implementation of the plant-life centred nature trail “Talwelten – Abschnitt Pflanzenwelt” in Tux-Finkenberg (Tirol, Austria)
Commissioned by Tourismusverband Tux-Finkenberg (tourist association)

Creative Direction over the construction of the “Thrill Walks – Felsensteg Birg” (Wallis, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Schilthornbahn AG (lift operator)

Design and implementation of a barefoot walkway in Kreuth (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Gemeinde Kreuth (local council)

Creation of a building design for Kaiserburgbahn in Bad Kleinkirchheim (Carinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen Sport- und Kuranlagen (lift, sport and spa facilities operator)

Concept for a power path - “Weg der Kraft” - near Bad Kleinkirchheim (Carinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen Sport- und Kuranlagen (lift, sport and spa facilities operator)

Concept for “Kraftplatz”- a space in which to recharge by the reservoir by the Kaiserburg lift near Bad Kleinkirchheim (Carinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen Sport- und Kuranlagen (lift, sport and spa facilities operator)

Concept for winter staging on the Planai, near Schladming (Styria, Austria)
Commissioned by: Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen GesmbH (lift operator)

Design and implementation of a kids’ winter wonderland and a kids’ slope on Rossweid near Sörenberg (Luzern, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG (lift operator)

Tourism master plan for resort staging in Ramsberg, near Mayrhofen (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverband Mayrhofen (tourism association)

Concept for a pathway celebrating nature and cultural diversity – “Weg der Vielfalt” – in Alkoven (Upper Austria)
Commissioned by: ARGE “natur-und Inklusionsweg Alkoven” (community action group)

Tourism master plan focussing on the summer staging on Hohenbogen (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Hohenbogenbahn GmbH & Co KG (lift operator)

Concept design for the “Wörschacher Moos” moorland trail in Weißenbach, near Liezen (Styria, Austria)
Commissioned by: Stadtmarketing & Tourismusverband Liezen (tourism association)

Installation of the free-running piste ”PRO.PARCOURS.Fitness.pur” in the city of Burghausen (Bavaria, Germany)
Commissioned by: Stadt Burghausen (city council)

Tourism master plan for the “Hohen Kasten” near Brülisau (Appenzell Innerrhoden, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Hoher Kasten Drehrestaurant und Seilbahn AG (lift and restaurant operator)

Tourism master plan concentrating on the summer staging of Axamer Lizum (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Axamer Lizum Aufschliessungs AG (local development organisation)

Master plan for winter staging in “Kaiserburg & Brunnach” near Bad Kleinkirchheim (Carinthia, Austria)
Commissioned by: Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen Sport- und Kuranlagen (lift, sport and spa facilities operator)

Basic plan for the “Fitnessrunde” keep-fit trail in Dorf Tirol (Trentino-Südtirol, Italy)
Commissioned by: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol (tourism association)

Basic concept for an adventure playground “Sonnenarena Meran 2000” next to the top station at Meran 2000 (Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy)
Commissioned by: Schweigl Ernst & Co OHG Activzeit

Concept for a lakeside adventure walkway “Almseerunde” in Ehrwald (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Tiroler Zugspitzbahn GesmbH (lift company)

Concept for the stunning adventure trail “Panoramarunde” in Ehrwald (Tyrol, Austria)
Commissioned by: Tiroler Zugspitzbahn GesmbH (lift operator)

Tourism master plan for the region of Huttwil (Bern, Switzerland)
Commissioned by: Pro Regio Huttwil (local development organisation)

Planning and implementation of the "Kidsslope Zeitlos" on Turracher Höhe (Styria, AT)
Client: Bergbahnen Turracher Höhe GmbH

Planning and implementation of the staging elements of the "Nix & Noxi KIDSSLOPE" on the "Sonnleiten" practice slope in Bad Kleinkirchheim (Carinthia, AT)
Client: Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen Sport- und Kuranlagen GmbH & Co. KG

Concept and realisation of the Glacier Gorge experience (Grindelwald, CH)
Client: grindelwaldSPORTS AG, Swiss Snow and Mountain Sports School

Development of pre-conceived sub-projects "Naturerlebnis Feldis" (Graubünden, CH)
Client: Political Community Domleschg

Concept and realisation of a water feature in Sörenberg (Lucerne, CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Sörenberg

Conception and realisation of the alpine pasture playground on the Loferer Alm (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Bergbahn Lofer GmbH

Implementation of the "Latemar.METEO" adventure trail in Pampeago (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Incremento Turistico Alpe die Pampeago

Creation of an idea paper for summer productions on the Schmittenhöhe (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Schmittenhöhebahn AG

Concept and realisation of the "Drachenfeuer" game tower on the Schmittenhöhe (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Schmittenhöhebahn AG

Concept and implementation of the "Seekar-Mile" adventure trail in Zauchensee (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Zauchensee Lift Company / Benedikt Scheffer GmbH

Concept and realisation of a banister production at the Kaiserlift in Kufstein (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Ferienland Kufstein

Conception and realisation of a phenological garden on the grounds of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics on the Hohe Warte (Vienna, AT) and realisation of experience stations on the grounds of the ZAMG in Graz and Salzburg (AT)
Client: ZAMG

Concept and implementation of the "Flower Trail" adventure trail at Allemendhubel, Schilthorn-Piz Gloria (Bernese Oberland, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG


Implementation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Fornatura circuit", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Conception and implementation of experience stations on the site of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics on the Hohe Warte (Vienna, AT)
Client: ZAMG

Extension of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Kinderland", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Master planning for tourist experience productions in the Aletscharena (Bettmeralp, CH)
Client: Bettmeralp Tourism

Concept of the "Gletscherfloh-Rundweg" around Lake Bettmer (Bettmeralp, CH)
Client: Bettmeralp Tourism

Concept and realisation of the "Kraftorte Aletscharena - Bettmerhorn" (Bettmeralp, CH)
Client: Bettmeralp Bahnen AG

Conception of the valley station production and an adventure playground on Pfingstegg (Grindelwald/Pfingstegg, CH)
Client: Grindelwald-Pfingstegg AG aerial cableway

Rough concept of the "Schellen-Ursli Weg" adventure trail in Guarda (Grisons, CH)

Concept and implementation of the "Ameisenweg" adventure trail in Mühlbach am Hochkönig (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Tourism Association Mühlbach am Hochkönig

Rough concept experience staging Fiss- Schönjoch "The Golden Man" at Schönjoch (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Bergbahnen Fiss-Ladis

Concept and realisation of "Schmidolins Kidsslope" on the Schmittenhöhe (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Schmittenhöhebahn AG

Conception of the "Peilsteinpalfen - Kesselfall" adventure trail, playground equipment for the Adventure Land and integration of the low and high ropes course in Wagrain (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Wagrain-Kleinarl Tourismus

Conception of the "Peilsteinpalfen - Kesselfall" adventure trail, playground equipment for the Adventure Land and integration of the low and high ropes course in Wagrain (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Wagrain-Kleinarl Tourismus

Concept for the experience production "Drachenpark Feuerkogel" for summer and winter at Feuerkogel (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH

Master planning "Mammut Land" for the Huttwil region (Huttwil, CH)
Client: Pro Regio Huttwil

Conception of a Kidsslope in Sudelfeld (Bavaria, D)
Client: Vereinigte Liftbetriebe Sudelfeld

Concept of individual adventure trail stations in Hintersee (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Hintersee Tourist Office

Master planning "In the Kingdom of the Madrites" for the Madritschenbahn am Nassfeld (Carinthia, AT)
Client: Madritschen Seilbahnen und Tourismus GmbH

Rough concept of the "Schlumberger Erlebniswelt" in Vienna (Vienna, AT)
Client: Schlumberger Wein- und Sektkellerei GmbH

Conception and implementation of the "Latemar.alp" adventure trail in Obereggen, municipality of Deutschnofen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Conception and implementation of "Naturwelt" in Tux-Finkenberg (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office

Concept and implementation of the "Wasserwelt" in Tux-Finkenberg (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office

Conception and implementation of the "Tierwelt" in Tux-Finkenberg (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office

Concept of the "Goldader Waldalm" water adventure trail in Rauris (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Rauriser Hochalmbahnen

Concept and implementation of the entrance sign for Gschteinät, Lötschental (Valais, CH)
Client: Municipality of Wiler

Implementation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - chairlift design", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Realisation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Legend Trail", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Realisation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Piste production Rossinyol - Kidsslope", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Planning of a "gold playground" (gold washing facility & gold mine, water playground) in Rauris (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Rauriser Hochalmbahnen AG

Realization of the adventure playground "Flower Park" at Allmendhubel, Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG


Concept for the staging of the summit building on the Eggishorn (Fiesch, CH)
Client: Fiesch-Eggishorn AG aerial cableways

Tourist master plan for summer and winter experiences in Sochi, ski area Gornaya Karusel (Krasnodar, RU)
Client: Gornaya Karusel

Realisation of the adventure playground "World Cup of Animals" at the Gamskogel, Altenmarkt-Zauchensee (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Zauchensee Lift Company Benedikt Scheffer GmbH

Realisation of the adventure park "AdventureStage" at the Schwarzwassersee/Pardatschersee, Ischgl - Silvretta Arena (Tyrol, AT)
Client: VIT - Association of Ischgl Tourism Companies

Implementation of the "Latemar.360°" observation platform in Obereggen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Implementation of the "Latemar Panorama" adventure trail in Obereggen, municipality of Deutschnofen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Implementation of the "Latemar.Natura" adventure trail in Obereggen, municipality of Deutschnofen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Planning and realization of the adventure playground "Flower Park" at Allmendhubel, Schilthorn-Piz Gloria (Bernese Oberland, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Planning and implementation support for the "Skyline Walk" observation platform at Schilthorn-Piz Gloria (Bernese Oberland, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Rough concept for the construction of a treetop path and adventure forest in Liestal (Basel-Landschaft, CH)
Client: Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank

Master plan for tourist experience productions in Tux-Finkenberg, Zillertal (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office

Implementation of the play experience in the Samnaun schoolyard (Samnaun, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Concept and realisation of the "Streuobsterlebnis Sulzfeld", Sulzfeld (Baden-Württemberg, DE)
Client: Stromberg-Heuchelberg Nature Park

Concept and implementation of the theme trail "Erlebnis im Bergwald - Rund um den Großen und Kleinen Staffen", Marquartstein (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Administration Community Marquartstein

Conception and realisation of the fitness course "Wir machen Meter", Hargelsberg (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: Upper Austrian Office. State Government, Directorate of Social Affairs and Health, Department of Health, Prevention and Health Promotion

Master planning for the experience production "Weißer Ring", Lech (Vorarlberg, AT)
Client: Ski Arlberg, Pool West

Idea concept "Truchtlachinger Glücksmomente", Truchtlaching (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Tourist office Truchtlaching

Conception and implementation of the experience trail "Genuss am Almfluss - Am Ursprung aller Sinne", locations: Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting, Vorchdorf, Pettenbach, Scharnstein, Grünau (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: VERA Association

Master plan for tourist experience productions in Wagrain-Kleinarl - overall regional concept for summer and winter (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Wagrain-Kleinarl Tourismus

Implementation of the "Lötschental Alpine Experience Trail", Lötschental (Valais, CH)
Client: Municipality of Wiler

Planning of the adventure trail Fischlham "Vom Wasser geprägt", Fischlham (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: Municipality of Fischlham

Implementation of the "Culture connects" adventure trail, Hausleiten (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Association "Kultur verbindet" - Hausleiten

Rough concept for the experience production "Der Weiße Ring - das Erlebnis" for the locations Lech, Zürs and Oberlech (Lech/Zürs/Oberlech, CH)
Client: Ski Arlberg Pool West, Lech-Oberlech-Zürs GesbR

Master planning for summer events in St. Johann (Tyrol, AT)
Client: St. Johanner Bergbahnen GmbH

Master planning for tourist experience productions on the Pfingstegg (Grindelwald/Pfingstegg, CH)
Client: Grindelwald-Pfingstegg AG aerial cableway

Master planning for tourist experience productions for the region Tux-Finkenberg im Zillertal (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office

Concept of the "Almrallye" adventure trail in Tux-Finkenberg (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tuxer Bergbahnen AG

Planning of the "Path of 1000 Views" adventure trail in Tux-Finkenberg (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office

Concept for the production of the Dachstein ice cave at Krippenstein (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH

Implementation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - visitor guidance system" and the "MON(T) MAGIC - building design", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Realisation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Kinderland", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Experience development concept for "The fairy tale of Lesnaya Skazka", Lesnaya Skazka (Almaty, KZ)
Client: Alina Pro

Master planning for experience productions in St. Corona (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: NÖ Bergbahnen - Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H.

Realization of the adventure playground "Flower Park" at Allmendhubel, Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Planning of a "gold playground" (gold washing facility & gold mine, water playground) in Rauris (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Rauriser Hochalmbahnen AG

Realisation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Piste production Rossinyol - Kidsslope", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Realisation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Legend Trail", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Implementation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - Fornatura circuit", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Implementation of the "MON(T) MAGIC - chairlift design", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Conception and realisation of the fitness course "Wir machen Meter", Hargelsberg (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: Upper Austrian Office. State Government, Directorate of Social Affairs and Health, Department of Health, Prevention and Health Promotion


Development concept for brand architecture including CI/CD development for event staging in Obereggen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Planning of the play experience in the Samnaun schoolyard (Grisons, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning and realisation of the adventure playground "Kids Park Ötztal", Hochötz (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Ötztal Tourismus

Planning and implementation of "Fridolins Baumkronenwelt", Bottrop (North Rhine-Westphalia, DE)
Client: Freizeitpark Schloss Beck GmbH

Planning of the "Drecksack" adventure trail in Burgberg (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Municipality of Burgberg im Allgäu

Development concept of the brand architecture including CI/CD development and storyboard for the experience productions "Mon(t)Magic", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Planning of the visitor guidance system and design of the mountain railway buildings, Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Concept for the thematic chairlift design "Speaking Magic Wand" at Forn/Canillo, Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Concept of the adventure offer for the reservoir and the "The White Lagoon", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Development and design of merchandising products, Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Concept of the Fornatura circuit, Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Concept of the "Sagenweg" adventure trail, Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Planning of the viewing platform "Feuerring", Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Concept of the slope production Rossinyol, Grandvalira (Canillo, AND)
Client: Grandvalira-Ensisa

Planning and implementation of the adventure trail in Pesenbachtal, Bad Mühllacken (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: Market town Feldkirchen an der Donau

Implementation of the visitor guidance system Phase II in Samnaun, Silvretta Arena (Graubünden/CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning of the adventure playground "World Cup of Animals", Zauchensee (Salzburg, AT)
Client: Zauchensee Lift Company Benedikt Scheffer GmbH

Planning of the adventure playground "Aktivrast - Scharnstein" in the Almtal (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: Almtal "Vera" Association

Planning of the "360° Genussorama", Obereggen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Planning of the "Alpencouch, Obereggen" (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Planning and implementation of a viewing platform in Mönichkirchen, Mönichkirchen (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Schischaukel Mönichkirchen-Mariensee GmbH

Planning of the scenic Hutberg in Windischgarsten (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: Touristische Freizeiteinrichtung Wurbauerkogel GmbH

Planning and implementation of a visitor guidance system in Sörenberg (Lucerne, CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Sörenberg

Implementation of the playground equipment and infotainment for the Mooraculum Rossweid (Lucerne, CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG

Planning of the "Ramsi Theme Worlds" and visitor guidance in the Ramsi Children's Hotel, Nassfeld (Carinthia, AT)
Client: Ramsi GmbH

Planning and implementation of visitor guidance in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Realisation of the exhibition "Bond World 007" at the Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Realisation of the experience stagings on the observation deck at the Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Implementation of the "Piz Gloria View" observation platform at the Schilthorn (Berne, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Implementation of the "Walk of Lyrics" experience trail in Ischgl (Tyrol, AT)
Client: Silvretta Seilbahnen AG

Planning of playgrounds at the huts in Obereggen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Planning and implementation of the "Cave Bear Park Extension" in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning and implementation of the "Acitive Camp" extension in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Implementation of the adventure trail "Adventure School in Nature" - Peilstein (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: ÖAV, Austrian Mountain Association Section



Conception and implementation of welcome elements and information points in the municipality of Moorbad Harbach (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: TVB Moorbad Harbach

Planning of the "Magic Garden of the Senses", Moorbad Harbach (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Waldpension Nebelstein; Family Schmidt

Planning of the "Adventure Stage" in Ischgl (Tyrol, AT)
Client: VIT - Association of Ischgl Tourism Companies

Planning of the "Animal Stars" adventure trail, Ischgl (Tyrol, AT)
Client: VIT - Association of Ischgl Tourism Companies

Planning of the "Walk of Lyrics" in Ischgl (Tyrol, AT)
Client: VIT - Association of Ischgl Tourism Companies

Planning and implementation of the adventure trail "Genuss am Fluss - So schmeckt die Alm", Almtal (Upper Austria, AT)
Client: "Association for the touristic, economic and rural development of the Almtal".

Planning of the "Culture Connects" adventure trail, Hausleiten (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Association "Kultur verbindet" - Hausleiten

Planning of the extreme sports arena Vallon, Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning and implementation of the "Wiesenspiele" in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning and implementation of the Sagenweg - audio book in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

lanning of the "Stockerau Mobility Path" adventure trail, Stockerau (Lower Austria, AT)

Creation of the rough concept "Smuggler Bay Navagio", Zakynthos (Ionian Islands, GR)

Master planning for the Jochenstein power plant (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Donaukraftwerk Jochenstein AG

Planning of the "Skyline Chill" at the Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Planning and implementation of a project for the "Critical Academy Inzell", Inzell (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Critical Academy Inzell

Planning, texting and implementation of the visitor guidance system Kreuth am Tegernsee (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Municipality of Kreuth

Implementation of the Sonnantauweg in Samnaun (Lucerne, CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Sörenberg

Rough concept of the winter production "Im Reich der Feen im Schneegarten-Leysin" (Leysin Waadt, CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Leysin

Master Planning Treasury Oberndorf (Tyrol, AT)
Client: TVB Kitzbühler Alps, Oberndorf i.T. local office

Master planning for the Almschaukel Mönichkirchen (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Schischaukel Mönichkirchen-Mariensee GmbH

Planning of the "SWISS SKYLINE" at the Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Master planning Obereggen (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Obereggen AG

Planning and implementation of the crime story App Weg in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Corvara Consorzio

Implementation of phase I of the visitor guidance system in Samnaun, Silvretta Arena (Graubünden, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning and realization of the adventure playground "Active Park (Active Camp)" in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning and realisation of an adventure playground at Nassfeld (Carinthia, AT)
Client: ARGE Qualitätsbetriebe KIG Karnische Incomin GmbH & co-partner

Planning of the "Almrauschen Gartnerkofel" visitor guidance system at Nassfeld (Carinthia, AT)
Client: ARGE Qualitätsbetriebe KIG Karnische Incomin GmbH & co-partner

Planning and realisation of the exhibition "Bats at Lockenhaus Castle", Lockenhausen (Burgenland, AT)
Client: Geschriebenstein-Lockenhaus Nature Park

Planning of the scenic "iid.entity" in Passau (Bavaria, DE)

Planning and realisation of the exhibition "Bond World" at the Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Planning of the "View Panormaterasse - Schilthorn" (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Planning of the "Piz Gloria View" scenery at the Schilthorn (Bern, CH)
Client: Schilthornbahn AG

Planning of the "Panorama Terrace" at Nassfeld (Carinthia, AT)
Client: ARGE Qualitätsbetriebe KIG Karnische Incomin GmbH & co-partner

Planning and realisation of the adventure playground "Höhlenbärpark" in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning and implementation of the water adventure trail in Kreuth (Bavaria, DE)
Client: Municipality of Kreuth

Planning and implementation of the moor adventure trail "DAUSENMOORPFAD", Molberger Dose (Lower Saxony, DE)
Client: Municipality of Molbergen

Planning and implementation of the "Geocaching Trail" in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning of the "Ladinisch" adventure trail in Corvara (South Tyrol, IT)
Client: Skicarosello Corvara Consorzio

Planning of the adventure trail "Adventure School in Nature" - Peilstein (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: ÖAV, Austrian Mountain Association Section

Planning and implementation of the generational play park in Spillern (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Spillern market town

Planning of the "Erlebnisrunde Hirschengartenteich" in Mauerbach (Lower Austria, AT)
Client: Market town Mauerbach

Planning of the "ALETSCH TOTAL" summit adventure trail on the Eggishorn (Valais, CH)
Client: Fiesch-Eggishorn AG aerial cableways

Planning and implementation of the Zaberfeld water world (Baden - Württemberg, DE)
Client: Municipality of Zaberfeld

Planning of the Lötschental alpine adventure trail, Lötschental (Valais, CH)
Client: Municipality of Wiler

Planning of the adventure trail "The Talader - Traces through Samnaun", Samnaun (Grisons, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Implementation of the summit adventure trail on the Alpspitze in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria, D)
Client: Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG


Implementation of the exhibition redesign for the Danube power plant Ybbs-Persenbeug (Lower Austria)
Client: Association Power Plant Tours

Implementation of three interactive stations for the theme trails at the Salzach in St. Pantaleon (Upper Austria)
Client: Bergbaufreunde St. Pantaleon

Planning of an adventure trail "Zugspitzi am Geisbachfall" in Ehrwald (T)
Client: Tiroler Zugspitz Arena - Ehrwald Office


Planning and implementation of new experience offers at the Aichingerhütte in the Dobratsch Nature Park (K)
Client: ARGE IP Dobratsch

Extension of the adventure playground Klaus Äuele - planning and realisation, Stubaital (T)
Client: Stubaital Tourist Office

Concept of the "Nature Experience Trail City Park Friesoythe" (Lower Saxony/D)
Client: City of Friesoythe

Implementation of the information stations in the European bird sanctuary "Weseraue" (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: Biologische Station Minden-Lübbecke e.V.

Detailed conception of the "Wasserwelt Zaberfeld" in the Stromberg-Heuchelberg Nature Park (Baden-Württemberg/D)
Client: Municipality of Zaberfeld

Idea concept for the "Lippemündung information point" in Wesel (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: Lippeverband

Rough planning for experience presentations during guided tours of the Danube power plant Ybbs-Persenbeug (NÖ)
Client: Market town Persenbeug-Gottsdorf

Planning of an adventure trail "Ural Owl" in the wilderness area Dürrenstein (NÖ)
Client: Dürrenstein Wilderness Area

Implementation of outdoor information points for the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve in Sparbach (Lower Austria), Purkersdorf (Lower Austria), Pfaffstätten (Lower Austria), Maurer Wald (W) and Cobenzl (W)
Client: Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Management GmbH

Planning and construction of the legendary "Das wilde Mannli" adventure trail in Flumserberg, holiday region Heidiland (St. Gallen/CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Flumserberg AG

Realisation of experience productions in and around "Die Garten Tulln" (Lower Austria)
Client: NÖ Landesgartenschau Planungs- und Errichtungs-GmbH

Planning implementation of a "fitness mile" in Schwadorf (Lower Austria)
Client: Municipality of Schwadorf

Planning and implementation of the "Donauspiegel - Langenlebarn am Fluss der Zeit" adventure trail in Langenlebarn (NÖ)
Client: Village Renewal Association Langenlebarn

Implementation of two experience points on the "Wine Hiking in Carnuntum" hiking trail in Göttlesbrunn (Lower Austria)
Client: Weinbauverein Göttlesbrunn

Römerturm: Extension of the "Galstiland" - Gallic ski village on Galsterberg, Pruggern (Styria)
Client: Galsterbergalm Bahnen GmbH & Co KG

Implementation of the "Ural Owl" adventure trail in the Dürrenstein wilderness area (Lower Austria)
Client: Wilderness area administration Dürrenstein

Master planning for experience productions on the Donausteig in Upper Austria (OÖ)
Client: Advertising Association Danube Upper Austria

Planning and implementation of the "Fichtelland" winter children's country in Radstadt-Altenmarkt (S)
Client: Zauchensee Lift Company Benedikt Scheffer GmbH

Planning and implementation of the "WinterBlumenTraum" winter children's land in Samnaun (Graubünden/CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning and implementation of the fairy tale trail in Samnaun (Graubünden/CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning and realisation of the adventure playground "Piz for Kidz" in Samnaun (Graubünden/CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Realisation of the experience productions on the panorama terrace at the panorama restaurant Alptrida-Sattel (Samnaun, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Development of the brand architecture for experience productions in Samnaun (Samnaun, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning of the visitor guidance system in Samnaun, Silvretta Arena (Graubünden, CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Planning and realisation of the Indian country Fiss-Ladis (T)
Client: Ski School Fiss-Ladis

Master planning for the experience production First, Grindelwald (Bern/CH)
Client: Jungfraubahnen

Master plan for visitor information and visitor guidance in the Central Balkan National Park (BUL)
Client: Central Balkan National Park

Master plan for the Gartnerkofel-Garnitzen Nassfeld (K) experience productions
Client: Nassfeldliftges.m.b.H & Co KG

Potential and resource analysis Nebelhorn & rough concept Nebelhorn summit, Oberstdorf (Bavaria/D)
Client: Nebelhornbahn AG

Implementation of an adventure trail "Moorerlebnis Expedition in den Inzeller Filzen" in Inzell (D)
Client: Municipality of Inzell


"Skiing in Paradise" on the Planai, Schladming (Styria)
Client: Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Conception and implementation of mobile experience stations for "energy, mobility, telecommunications"
Client: Salzburg AG for Energy, Transport and Telecommunications

Planning and construction of an overall experience production for OBRA Kinderland, Neukirchen an der Vöckla (OÖ)
Client: OBRA Kinderland GmbH

Preliminary study for the experience production "Culture connects" in Hausleiten (Lower Austria)
Client: Marktgemeinde Hausleiten

Implementation of the "Bohnerzspur" nature trail in Osterfingen (Schaffhausen/CH)
Client: Association Wangental Nature Pur

Planning experience production "Ahrntaler Sonnenwege", Luttach im Ahrntal (South Tyrol/I)
Client: Ahrntal Tourist Office

Implementation of the summit adventure trail on the Alpspitze in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

Implementation of the "Nature Experience Path Schwerter Wald" in Schwerte (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: Stadtmarketing Schwerte e.V.

Implementation of the information stations in the European bird sanctuary "Weseraue" (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: Biologische Station Minden-Lübbecke e.V.

Planning of the didactic concept "Emsaue ganz nah" in Emsdetten (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: City of Emsdetten

Planning and construction of the "Speiktrails" in the Nockberge National Park (K)
Client: Carinthian National Park Fund Nockberge National Park

Concept and detailed planning of outdoor information points for the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald (NÖ/W)
Client: Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Management GmbH

Planning and implementation of the attraction of the panorama terrace at the Top of Germany - Zugspitze, summit station (Bavaria, D)

Master plan for events on the Zugspitze/Zugspitzplatt (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

Master plan for event staging in Samnaun (Graubünden/CH)
Client: Municipality of Samnaun

Construction of the "Skywalk at the Kölnbreinsperre" in the interconnected destination Malta Hochalmstraße, Malta (K)
Client: Verbund Tourismus GmbH

Implementation of the "Genuss-Erlebnisweg" in the Erlebniswelt Garmisch-Classic, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

Construction of the "AlpspiX" viewing platform at Alpspitz in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bayerische Zugspitzbahnen Bergbahn AG

Conception of experience productions 2011-2013 in and around "Die Garten Tulln" (NÖ)
Client: NÖ Landesgartenschau Planungs- und Errichtungs-GmbH

Planning and construction of the adventure trail "Wettkampf am Olymp der Tiere" in Bayernpark, Reisbach (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bayern-Park Freizeitparadies GmbH

Construction of the "World Heritage Spiral" on the summit of the Krippenstein, UNESCO World Heritage region Dachstein-Hallstatt (Upper Austria)
Client: Dachstein & Eishöhlen GmbH

Touristic master plan for experience productions in Medebach (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: Touristik Gesellschaft Medebach mbH


Realisation of the "Galstiland" - Gallic ski village on Galsterberg, Pruggern (Styria)
Client: Galsterbergalm Bahnen GmbH & Co KG

Tourist master plans for the destinations "Malta Hochalmstraße (K), Reisseck Bergbahnen (K) and Kaprun Hochgebirgsstauseen (S)".
Client: Verbund-Tourismus GmbH (Verbund AG)

Construction of the "Six Senses" pleasure trail in Serfaus (T)
Client: Tourist office and mountain railway Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Planning of the viewing platform "AlpspiX" at Alpspitz in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bayerische Zugspitzbahnen Bergbahn AG

Concept for an exhibition and the access to the Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck (T)
Client: Nordpark Errichtungs- und Betriebs GmbH

Planning and implementation of the "Erlebnisweg an der Soeste" in Barßel (Lower Saxony/D)
Client: Municipality of Barßel

"Rossweid" master plan in Sörenberg (Lucerne/CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG

Construction of the "Hundertwasser Trail" by the waste incineration plant Spittelau (W)
Client: District heating Vienna

Planning and realisation of the adventure playground "Tschäggättawald", igloo village, fun court & ice rink in the leisure park Gschteinät in Wiler, Lötschental (Valais/CH)
Client: Municipality of Wiler, aerial cableway Lauchernalp, tourism Wiler/Lötschental

Planning of adventure trails (ALPträume; GENUSSträume; Tschäggätta) on the Lauchernalp in Wiler, Lötschental (Valais/CH)
Client: Municipality of Wiler, aerial cableway Lauchernalp, tourism Wiler/Lötschental

Planning and implementation of a "wine experience trail" in the communities of Mörbisch, St. Margarethen, Oslip and Oggau (B)
Client: Municipalities of Mörbisch, St. Margarethen, Oslip and Oggau

Planning of the "World Heritage Spiral" on the summit of the Krippenstein, UNESCO World Heritage region Dachstein-Hallstatt (OÖ)
Client: Dachstein & Eishöhlen GmbH

Realisation "Schmugglersteig" from Schattwald to Oberjoch (T, Bayern/D)
Client: Tannheimer Liftgesellschaft - Reuttener Seilbahnen GmbH & Co KG and Bergbahnen Hindelang-Oberjoch GmbH & Co KG

Implementation of the mobile travelling exhibition "Diversity is Life - Life is Diversity" (Lower Austria)
Client: Province of Lower Austria and Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald

Implementation of a "Kren-Erlebnisweg" in Mettersdorf am Saßbach (Styria)
Client: Municipality of Mettersdorf and Saßtaler-Kren-Advertising Association

Planning and realization of the viewing platform "Koralle" for the Triassic Park on the stone slab Waidring (T)
Client: Freizeitzentrum Waidring GmbH

Conception of the "Crafts in the Middle Ages" experience trail to Kreuzenstein Castle in the municipality of Leobendorf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Leobendorf

Concept "Erlebnisinszenierung Aussichtsplattform Kölnbrein-Staumauer" at the Maltastausee in Malta (K)
Client: Tauerntouristik GmbH

Conception of experience productions on the Hochkar (NÖ)
Client: Hochkar Sport GmbH

Realisation of a "butterfly path" in the open-air museum Großgmain (S)
Client: Nature Conservation Department of the Government of Salzburg

Implementation of an adventure trail through the "Zwingendorfer Salzsteppen" in Zwingendorf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Groß-Harras

Conception and implementation of a "forest adventure trail" in the community of Wolkersdorf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Wolkersdorf

Potential and location analysis "Rossweid" and "Brienzer Rothorn" in Sörenberg (Lucerne/CH)
Client: Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG

Planning for events in the municipality of Hohenbrugg-Weinberg (Styria)
Client: Community Hohenbrugg-Weinberg

Planning adventure trail around the Traunfall in the municipality of Desselbrunn (OÖ)
Client: Municipality of Desselbrunn

Planning of a nature trail in the municipality of Mürzzuschlag (Styria)
Client: Municipality of Mürzzuschlag

Planning of the summit adventure trail and pleasure experience trail on the Alpspitze in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

Feasibility study for several village renewal projects in Kukmirn, Limbach, Neusiedl and Eisenhüttl in the municipality of Kukmirn (B)
Client: Tourism and Village Renewal Association Kukmirn

Concept "Experience Stagings and Adventure Trail" in Serfaus (T)
Client: Tourist office and mountain railway Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Concept and implementation of the "MusikKreativMeile" in Bisamberg (Lower Austria)
Client: Market town Bisamberg


Pre-study experience staging Alpspitzbahn-Kreuzeckbahn in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria/D)
Client: Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG

Realisation "Erlebnisinszenierung Baumkronenweg" in Waldkirch (Baden Württemberg/ D)
Client: Baumkronenweg Waldkirch GmbH

Tourist Masterplan Biosphere Reserve Centre Wienerwald in Tullnerbach (NÖ)
Client: Biosphärenpark Wienerwald GmbH

Conception of some "soil highlights" in Marchfeld and northern Weinviertel in the communities of Lassee, Jedenspeigen, Falkenstein, Poysdorf, Oberweiden, Engelhartsstetten, Obersiebenbrunn, Neusiedl/Zaya and Niederabsdorf (NÖ)
Client: Government of Lower Austria (Dept. Lf6)

Feasibility study for several village renewal projects in Kukmirn, Limbach, Neusiedl and Eisenhüttl in the municipality of Kukmirn (B)
Client: Tourism and Village Renewal Association Kukmirn

Conception of experience productions of the mining sites of Asamer in Ohlsdorf and Ohlsdorf Nord (OÖ)
Client: Fa. Asamer

Pre-study "Experience Stagings and Adventure Trail" in Serfaus (T)
Client: Tourist office and mountain railway Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Feasibility study experience stagings in Wiler, Lötschental (Valais/CH)
Client: Municipality of Wiler, aerial cableway Lauchernalp, tourism Wiler/Lötschental

Conception and implementation of an adventure trail and climate tower in the Natura 2000 area Untersberger Vorland in the open-air museum Großgmain (S)
Client: Nature Conservation Department of the State of Salzburg

Concept and implementation of the "EnergySavingMasterCourse with Joulius" for the EVN-Cup in Melk (Lower Austria)
Client: EVN AG

Concept of the "Hundertwasser Trail" through the waste incineration plant Spittelau (W)
Client: District heating Vienna

Conception of a "Kren-Erlebnisweg" in Mettersdorf am Saßbach (Stmk)
Client: Municipality of Mettersdorf and Saßtaler-Kren-Advertising Association

Concept of the "La ferata de Gherdeina" adventure trail in Val Gardena (South Tyrol/I)
Client: Wolkenstein Tourism Association, Ortisei Tourism Association, S. Cristina Tourism Association

Conception of the "Lois Steiner-Erlebnisweg" in the municipality of St. Blasen (Styria)
Client: Municipality of St. Blasen

Feasibility study for an adventure park in St. Blasen (Stmk)
Client: Municipality of St. Blasen

Tourist master plan for the destinations "Malta Hochalmstraße (K), Reisseck Bergbahnen (K) and Kaprun Hochgebirgsstauseen (S)".

Implementation of the nature discovery trail at the border triangle Germany/Belgium/Netherlands of the EuRegionale2008 project "Grenzrouten" in cooperation with ahu AG/Aachen (Nordrhein Westfalen, D)
Client: City of Aachen

Concept of the "Schwerte Forest Nature Trail" in Schwerte (North Rhine-Westphalia/D)
Client: Stadtmarketing Schwerte e. V.

Preliminary planning of the Jennersdorf nature park house in the Raab-Örség-Goricko three-country nature park (B)
Client: Nature Park Raab

Concept "Schmugglerweg" from Schattwald to Oberjoch (T, Bayern/D)
Client: Tannheimer Liftgesellschaft - Reuttener Seilbahnen GmbH & CoKG and Bergbahnen

Feasibility study for a "theme and leisure park on Katzenkopf" in Leutasch near Seefeld (T)
Client: Marcati KG Seefeld

Detailed planning and construction of the "Triassic-Park" on the Steinplatte in Waidring (T)
Client: Steinplatte AufschließungsGmbH & CoKG

Production of the "Travelling Exhibition for the Bear Forests" (W)
Client: Four Paws Foundation for Animal Protection

Conception and implementation of a "wine experience trail" in the communities of Mörbisch, St. Margarethen, Oslip and Oggau (B)
Client: Municipalities of Mörbisch, St. Margarethen, Oslip and Oggau

Implementation of the "World Heritage Region Hallstatt - Dachstein" adventure trail to the "5fingers" on the Dachstein/Krippenstein (Upper Austria)
Client: REGIS Association, Hallstatt

Concept for an adventure trail through the "Zwingendorfer Salzsteppen" in Zwingendorf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Groß-Harras


Concept "Erlebnisinszenierung Baumkronenweg" in Waldkirch (Baden Württemberg, D)
Client: Baumkronenweg Waldkirch GmbH.

Implementation of the "Lebensweg" in the community of Mühlgraben (B)
Client: Municipality of Mühlgraben

Implementation of "Wellness- und Gesundheitsweg" in Bärnkopf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Bärnkopf

Implementation of the legendary "Der goldene Schuh" trail in the municipality of Limbach (B)
Client: Municipality of Limbach

Concept and implementation of the "Sagenhaft" theme cycle path in region 10 off Vienna (Lower Austria)
Client: Region 10 off Vienna

Concept and realisation of the moor adventure trail from the Ramsar Centre to the sky ladder in Schrems (NÖ)
Client: Underwater Kingdom Ramsar Municipality OEG, Schrems

Concept "Building with the Sun" in Großschönau (NÖ)
Client: Sonnenplatz Großschönau GmbH

Concept "Forest Experience Trail" in the Jauerling Nature Park (NÖ)
Client: Jauerling Nature Park

Concept "Hiking Trail Concept" in the Jauerling Nature Park (NÖ)
Client: Jauerling Nature Park

Design and construction of a "soil nature trail" in St. Michael am Bruckbach near Seitenstetten (NÖ)
Client: State of Lower Austria

Implementation of an "adventure circular hiking trail" in Goldgeben am Wagram (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Hausleiten

Implementation of an interactive "Erlebnismuseum Zwingendorfer Salzsteppen" in Zwingendorf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Großharras

Implementation of the "Wildwechselweg" in the community of Mühlgraben (B)
Client: Municipality of Mühlgraben

Implementation of the "Kornweg" in the community of Minihof-Liebau (B)
Client: Municipality of Minihof-Liebau

Conception of a nature discovery trail at the border triangle Germany/Belgium/Netherlands of the EuRegionale2008 project "Grenzrouten" in cooperation with ahu AG/Aachen (Nordrhein Westfalen, D)
Client: City of Aachen

Concept of a "touring exhibition for the bear forests" (W)
Client: Four Paws Foundation for Animal Protection

Sinnespark in the health resort Bad Waldsee (Baden Württemberg, D)
Client: City of Bad Waldsee

Conception and realisation "Naturerlebnisweg Kappe" at Erlebnisberg Kappe in Winterberg (North Rhine-Westphalia, D)
Client: Erlebnisberg Kappe

Concept "Moor-Erlebnisweg" Inzell (Bavaria, D)
Client: TVB Inzell

Implementation of the "Quellenweg in Maria Waldrast" in Matrei am Brenner (T)
Client: TVB Wipptal

Implementation of the "Schöpfungsweg in Maria Waldrast" in Matrei am Brenner (T)
Client: TVB Wipptal

Development of the "Study Soil Experience Lower Austria - Soil Meetings in the Land" (NÖ)
Client: Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, Department of Rural Development

Experience staging at various events of the soil campaign "Our soil - we love it".
Client: State of Lower Austria

Implementation of treasure map and adventure trail for the "Discovery of the Centre of Lower Austria" in Kapelln (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Kapelln

Implementation of the "Roman Path" in the municipality of St. Martin/Raab (B)
Client: Gem. St. Martin/ Raab

Concept of the "World Heritage Region Hallstatt - Dachstein" adventure trail for the "5fingers" on the Dachstein/Krippenstein (OÖ)
Client: REGIS (Regional Development Society Inneres Salzkammergut)


Construction of the viewing platform "5fingers" in the Welterbe-Wanderwelt-Dachstein-Krippenstein", Obertraun (OÖ)
Client: REGIS (Regional Development Society Inneres Salzkammergut)

Conception and construction of the "Kornweg" in the community of Minihof-Liebau (B)
Client: Gem. Minihof-Liebau

Conception and construction of the theme trail "Wildwechsel" in the community of Mühlgraben (B)
Client: Municipality of Mühlgraben

Conception of the "Lebensweg" in the community of Mühlgraben (B)
Client: Municipality of Mühlgraben

Design and construction of a "Wellness- und Gesundheitsweg" in Bärnkopf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Bärnkopf

Conception of the "Au-Erlebnisweg" in the municipality of Naarn in Machlande (OÖ)
Client: Municipality of Naarn in Machlande

Rough tourist concept "Maria Waldrast" in Matrei am Brenner (T)
Client: TVB Wipptal

Concept "Erlebnisinszenierung Wasserstollen Vermunt" in Patenen/Silvretta Hochalpenstraße (V)
Client: Illwerke Tourismus

Design and construction of a "wellness and health trail" in Bärnkopf (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Bärnkopf

Concept "Walderlebnisweg" in Hornstein (B)
Client: Municipality of Hornstein

Construction of "Hochmoor-Erlebnisweg Leckermoos" in the wilderness area of Dürrenstein (NÖ)
Client: Dürrenstein Wilderness Area

Concept "Schärding tut gut" in Schärding (OÖ)
Client: Municipality of Schärding

Conception and construction of the "Römerweg" in the municipality of St. Martin/Raab (B)
Client: Gem. St. Martin/Raab

Overall tourism concept for improving the quality of tourism offers in the Raab Three Countries Nature Park (B)
Client: Nature Park Raab

Preliminary concept for the "Magic Mountain" project for "King Abdullah Tourist City" in Saudi Arabia
Client: Royal House of Saudi Arabia

Preliminary concept for the project "Die Gefährlichsten Urmeere" for "King Abdullah Tourist City" in Saudi Arabia
Client: Royal House of Saudi Arabia

Preliminary concept for the "1001 Nights" project for "King Abdullah Tourist City" in Saudi Arabia
Client: Royal House of Saudi Arabia

Planning "Triassic Park" on the stone slab in Waidring (T)
Client: Steinplatte AufschließungsGmbH & CoKG

Concept and realisation "Ice Age am Gigge hi" (Winter Children's Land) in Tannheim (T)
Client: Tannheimer Liftgesellschaft Ges.m.b.H. & CoKG

Concept "Erlebnisinszenierung Dobratsch/Villacher Alpenstraße" (K)
Client: Dobratsch Nature Park

Overall concept for the "Erlebnisinszenierung" am Zahmen Kaiser (T)
Client: Liftanlagen Zahmer Kaiser Ges.m.b.H. & CoKG

Construction of "Hennerweg" in the National Park Thayatal (NÖ)
Client: National Park Thayatal

Concept "AussichtReich Venet" in Landeck (T)
Client: Tyrol West Tourism Association

Construction of "Golmi´s Forschungsweg" in Schruns-Tschagguns (V)
Client: Illwerke Tourismus

Concept for a treasure map and adventure trail for the "Discovery of the Centre of Lower Austria" in Kapelln (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Kapelln

Concept and construction "Erlebnisweg Ghega-Semmeringbahn" in Breitenstein (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Breitenstein


Concept of the "World Heritage Hiking World Dachstein-Krippenstein" (OÖ)
Client: REGIS (Regionalentwicklungsgesellschaft Inneres Salzkammergut), municipality of Obertraun, Dachstein & Eishöhlen GesmbH

Construction of the "Panorama-Weg" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office and Zeller Bergbahnen GesmbH

Construction of the "Holzweg" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office

Construction of "9-Erlebnis" - adventure trail on the Neunerköpfle in Tannheim (T)
Client: Tannheimer Bergbahnen

Construction of the "Aupark" in Klosterneuburg (NÖ), 2nd stage of expansion
Client: Municipality of Klosterneuburg

Implementation of the "Bärenbachl" water world at the Bergeralm in Steinach am Brenner (T)
in cooperation with Raffl Berglifte GmbH.

Concept of an "Erlebnisweg" in the Dobratsch Nature Park (K)

Conception and construction of an "Erlebnisweg" in Leckermoos (NÖ)
Client: Dürrenstein Wilderness Area

Conception of "Erlebnispunkte" in the National Park Thayatal (NÖ)
Client: National Park Thayatal

Conception of the "Erlebnisinszenierung" around Maria Waldrast (T)
Client: Wipptal Tourist Office

Construction of the "Nordic Walking Trail" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office and Zeller Bergbahnen GesmbH


Conception of the "Bärenbachl" water world on the Bergeralm in Steinach am Brenner (T)
Client: Steinacher Bergbahnen

Concept of the "Aupark" in Klosterneuburg (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Klosterneuburg

Conception of the "Geologie-Park" in St. Martin b. Lofer (S)
Client: Salzburg Saalachtal Tourist Office and the municipality of Weißbach

Concept of the "Auf die Alm" adventure trail in Lofer (S)
Client: Salzburger Saalachtal Tourist Association, Lofer Municipality and Mountain Railways

Concept of the "Geschichte-Erlebnisweg" in Unken (S)
Client: Salzburg Saalachtal Tourist Office and the municipality of Unken

Concept of the regional project "Erlebniswandern im Saalachtal" in the Pinzgauer Saalachtal (S)
Client: Saalachtal Tourist Board

Concept of the "Natur-Erlebnisweg" in Kritzendorf (NÖ)
Client: Weinbauverein Kritzendorf

Publication "Schritt für Schritt NaturErleben - Ein Wegweiser zur Einrichtung moderner Lehrpfade und Erlebniswege" on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture

Conception and construction of the "Seisenbergklamm" theme trail through the Seisenbergklamm in Weißbach near Lofer (S)
Client: Municipality of Weißbach

Conception of the "Zirben-Erlebnisweg" at Kreischberg near Murau (Styria)
Client: Kreischberg Seilbahnen Ges.m.b.H.

Conception and construction of the "Orchideen-Erlebnisweg" through the Vorderkaserklamm in St. Martin near Lofer (S)

Construction of the "Natur-Erlebnisweg" in Kritzendorf (NÖ)
Client: Weinbauverein Kritzendorf

Concept of the "Marlies Schild Fitness-Trail" in Dienten am Hochkönig (S)
Client: Tourist office and municipality of Dienten

Concept of the "Bleicherbach-Erlebnisweg" in Ottensheim (OÖ)
Client: Hauptschule Ottensheim

Conception and production of stations and information boards for the "Sinne-Erlebnispark" in Leogang (S)
Client: Leogang'er Bergbahnen Ges.m.b.H.

Design and production of the stations for the "Kraftarena Groß Gerungs" in Groß Gerungs (NÖ)
Client: Municipality of Groß Gerungs

Construction of the "ErlebnisLandschaft" in Weißbach near Lofer (S)
Client: Salzburg Saalachtal Tourist Office and the municipality of Weißbach

Construction of the "Geschichte-Erlebnisweg" in Saalfelden (S)
Client: Municipality and Tourist Association Saalfelden

Conception of a "theme park" on the Steinplatte in Waidring (T)
Client: Waidring Ges. n. b. R.

Construction of the "Aupark" in Klosterneuburg (NÖ) (Opening: June 2005)
Client: Municipality of Klosterneuburg

Construction of the "Auf die Alm" adventure trail in Lofer (S)
Client: Salzburger Saalachtal Tourist Association, Lofer Municipality and Mountain Railways

Concept "Erlebnisinszenierung am Berg" in Alpbach (T)
Client: Alpbacher Bergbahnen

Concept of the "Neunerköpfle" adventure trail in Tannheim (T)
Client: Tannheimer Bergbahnen

Conception of the "Holzweg" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office

Concept of the "Arenafuntenweg" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office and Zeller Bergbahnen GesmbH

Concept of the "Buggyweg" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office and Zeller Bergbahnen GesmbH

Concept of the "Panorama-Weg" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office and Zeller Bergbahnen GesmbH

Conception of a "Nordic Walking Trail" in Zell im Zillertal (T)
Client: Zell im Zillertal Tourist Office and Zeller Bergbahnen GesmbH

Construction of the "Geology Park" in St. Martin near Lofer (S)
Client: Salzburg Saalachtal Tourist Office and the municipality of St. Martin near Lofer

Rough concept for the "Erlebnisinszenierung" in the Alpenwildpark am Pfänder (V)
Client: Pfänder Bergbahnen

Construction of the "ErlebnisWald" on Natrunhöhe near Maria Alm (S)
Client: Maria Alm Tourist Office and Aberg-Hinterthal Bergbahnen AG

Construction of the "Erlebnisweg Bockluft" at the foot of the Hochkönig in Dienten (S)
Client: Tourist office and municipality of Dienten

Construction of the "Mitterberg Erzweg" in Mühlbach am Hochkönig (S)
Client: Municipality and Tourist Association of Mühlbach am Hochkönig

Conception of the "Mountain Experience Trail" in Lermoos (T)
Client: Berglifte Langes G.m.b.H.